"Good times indeed, sir Hanksalot."


A few hours of pacing and waiting around the grass in the border area of the city led to the encounter of another Bidoof, surprisingly. And as he practiced in his shoddy trainer school, Pepe tossed his pokeball into the air after pressing the button, the combination of which led to releasing one furry beaver next to the other. "Ram it."

The two clumsy Bidoofs rammed into each other, one visibly shaken up compared to the other. Both strafed for a few seconds before head butting again, one significantly more exhausted than the other. After a few minutes of this, one Bidoof fell to the ground unconscious. The other then slowly made its way to Pepe.

"Oh, that's a good Bidoof," stated Pepe.

"Uh, I don't think that's yer Bidoof." And as if to confirm this, the Bidoof attacked the poor legs of Pepe.

"Gah," uttered Pepe, as a swift kick to the underside of the Bidoof was delivered, which drove it into the forest. "What now? I don't think I can train it this way. It just... Can't fight."

"Well... That's up to you."

"I think I'll release it now."

"Your mum won't be happy."

"I guess that's the price I'll pay." Pepe walked over to the fallen Bidoof, who was just regaining consciousness. "Hey buddy..." A frown formed on the lower side of the beaver's face. "Hey... Do you really wanna fight for me?" The creature shook its head softly. "Alrighty then. Go." The words of Pepe were even softer than the shake of the Bidoof's head. Pepe motioned for his pokeball, opening it at the hinge opposite to the button and pressing some button inside the hemisphere of the device. A small click indicated that the Bidoof was free and the pokeball was free to use again. The Bidoof smiled gently and made its way into the forest, never to be seen again. "It's done."

"Well, I'm headed home Pepe."

"I'll take the forest shortcut. The battle was a bit longer than expected."

"Are you serious? You don't even got a Pokemon. What if you run into somthin'?"

"That'll be one mildly interesting Pokemon today."

Hank shook his head and followed the path to his house while Pepe continued into the forest.

About ten minutes passed and Pepe was deep in the forest. Almost no Pokemon, except for the occasional Pidgy overhead, made itself apparent to Pepe. He honestly felt a little guilty going this way, since no one was supposed to go through the forest in respect of the Pokemon who live there, but Pepe always promised himself he would do it at least once in his life. At one point he saw a Snivy in the distance, giving him a dirty look. Such was appropriate, as Pepe was a trespasser in such private grounds. Breeds like Snivy and other "starter" Pokemon were actually native to the Morono area and were commonly exported to other regions for a high price.

Along this empty route, Pepe found a many bushes and shrubs spotting the landscape. Most of the berries were picked by wild Pokemon, with only one or two present on every plant. Almost to compensate for his invasion, Pepe planted a few of these berries around to help provide for the Pokemon population. Pepe did this once or twice during the walk, never taking more than a few seconds to do so. Letting himself get distracted by the clouds overhead, Pepe felt his foot fall into a hole in the ground, about knee deep. He fell over easily and found himself face first in the ground. He turned into a sitting position and slowly started to dust himself off when a Flareon left the hole he fell in. "Hello?" Spoke Pepe.

To say the least, the Flareon was both confused and afraid, but it grew a wildly aggressive expression when it saw the empty pokeball roll from a fresh hole in Pepe's bag. It took only a few seconds, looking at the ball and the growling Flareon, to understand what was going on. "Oh, no, I didn't mean to-"

Blackness and a burning sensation fell upon Pepe, as he woke up to the sight of a Chansey staring at him overhead. He stared back for a few seconds until the creature walked away with a blank expression. As Pepe leaned forwards in one of the cots exclusive to the Pokecenters, he noticed singed bite marks across his arms and legs.

"Are you awake?" spoke a nurse in generic pink hair from behind a curtain. "A lady passing by said she found you in a forest with bite marks and a Flareon just staring at you. Good thing that was only a stone's throw away from the trail, or you might've died."

Pepe sat up and looked around, noticing the nearly empty room, where he sat on a cot in the center, sharing the room with a plump Chansey, a nurse and the cloaked woman from before. The cloaked woman spoke, "I'd like to speak to him in private."

The nurse replied,"I'm sorry, but-" and with a sudden change of tone, she said "Okay."

The nurse and Chansey left, while the cloaked woman stood over Pepe. "Uh... Can I help you?"

"What were you doing in the forest?"

"Why should I tell you? Who are you?"

"I just saved you, show some respect."

"Oh god, mom's gonna be pissed..."

"Really? I don't think so." The woman pressed a button on a remote mounted to the wall, which turned on a TV in the upper corner of the room. On this TV was a news broadcast, showing a man in a grim face and the picture of a house, Pepe's house, burning down, with a small black-cloaked figure in the corner. On the superscript was a time before he left his house- or was it right after?- and, as a grim reiteration of his greatest fears, Pepe heard the announcer speak:

"The fire today struck tragically at the home of Mary Castillo today. Two deaths: one human, one Pokemon."

What?!? Why are you still reading?! Stop while you can!!!!!!!!1!1

That's the end of chapter three! If you read this far, I'd like to thank you in supporting the development of my story. But that's not to say following me or voting for this or even leaving a comment would hurt. *nudgenudge*

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