"I know that's right" Angela Yee said.

"So I heard y'all extended the family ontop of you giving birth to twins. How is it taking care off another woman's children" Gigi Maguire asked Ari. Ari looked down before lifting her head up to answer the question.

"Oh you don't have to answer if your uncomfortable" Angela Yee said.

"It's Okay. But yes, we extended our family instead of it being 4it went 6 then 8 but 1 of the twins was stillborn and I had a miscarriage before I married Dave so really 6. But yes, I'm taking care of 2 kids that aren't bilocally mine, but they are mine, and I'm standing behind them 100000 percent." Ari said.

"Can you give us names" Stephanie Santiago asked Ari.

"Okay I'm going from oldest to youngest. My heaven baby, Yosohn, Amoura, Kairi, Miracle, Kobi, Chozen, and Rizzen."Ari said while blinking her eyes a little, so she wouldn't cry.

"Those are beautiful names, do they have any meaning behind them" Angela Yee said as she handed Ari a box of tissue.

"Yosohn means Perfection, Amour means Love, I just added the a to the end. Miracle is self-explanatory but it means Wonder. Chozen means Clarity and Transparency. Rizzen means Ambition and more. Now Kairi and Kobi, I'm not going to lie I don't really know how their manes came about" Ari said while laughing a little.

"This is the last question before we go off air, Chozen and Rizzen are the twins. which Rizzen is the stillborn baby right? How are you and your family adjusting?" Gigi Maguire asked Ari.

"Correct, my family is adjusting, it's never easy. Especially with them knowing I was having 2 babies and then I only brought home 1. Lots of tears, but we all take it day by day. We all love on Chozen especially Yosohn, that his baby. But the man that I have, he is amazing, and it be the little things. He makes sure we are happy; we have family talks every night before bed. We just all love on each other really." Ari said with a big smile on her face thinking about her family.

"Alright while until next time y'all. Lip Service." Angela Yee said as she took her headphone off.


"Thank you so much, for having me" I said as I hugged Angela Yee.

"No problem, I've wanted you on her for a long time. And I'm truly sorry for your loss, I know that feeling losing a baby and man it kilt me every day." Angela Yee said as she looked down at me.

"Call me sometimes we have to hang out when i come back here" I said as I gave her my phone, I watched her put her number in my phone, before giving it back to me.

"Alright I'm locked in now" Angela Yee said as she smiled at me. I nodded my head as I walked back into my dressing room changing my clothes so I could go back to Dave's moms house. 

"Girl I'm ready to eat shit." Jayda said making me laugh. 

"When are you not hungry" I asked as I took my dress off.

"When I'm riding Jays"

"Ayyeeee" I said as we both laughed.

....... Later that night

"All this asssss" I said as I looked around at all the steppers. Jayda and I decided we were going to go to the strip club since we haven't been in a while.

"Look at her over there, that thing is some serious" Jayda said as I looked to where she was pointing at, and I nodded my head.

"Lets take a picture" I said and Jayda instantly sat on my lap as Tuson took our picture.

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