Chapter 50

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Once they finished, they left the small room without making much noise. Y/n touched up her lipstick and adjusted her dress.

"What do you think if we just congratulate the couple and leave here? Maybe go to your place or somewhere where it's just you and me alone!" Jungkook said, kissing Y/n and looking into her eyes.

"Are you being serious?" Y/! asked.

"Yes, I'm seriously thinking about going on a vacation, the four of us together, forgetting all our problems and just enjoying ourselves!" Jungkook said, giving Y/n a tender kiss on the nose.

"You guys are so quick and bipolar. A few hours ago, you were both upset and now it seems like you need privacy!" Chaeyoung said, smiling and holding Taehyung's hand.

"Well, there's nothing that can't be fixed with love and affection!" Jungkook said, smiling at Chaeyoung and Taehyung, as he lightly stroked Y/n's back with his fingers.

"I love that, and I need you to teach me, brother, how to fix misunderstandings so quickly because now you guys have something different!" Taehyung said, blushing as he looked at them.

"Good afternoon!" Yoongi said, nervously and anxiously arriving at the party, eager to see Y/n.

"Well, we'll leave you to greet the guests," Taehyung said.

"Oh, my love, I invited Mr. Min I hope it doesn't bother you," Jungkook said, nervously smiling at Yoongi.

"Hello Yoongi, it's good to see you!" Y/n said, smiling as she hadn't seen him to avoid running into Jimin.

"Hello, Y/n," Yoongi said, nervously smiling as he hugged Y/n and felt his heart racing. He couldn't believe that after so many years, he finally had his daughter in front of him.

"I'm also very glad to see you. Jungkook, hi, thanks for inviting me. This is Elsa, a cardiologist, and my coworker," Yoongi said, looking at Y/n and finding so much of Amelia in her.

"Hello Elsa, nice to meet you. I'm Y/n," Y/n said, smiling as she shook hands with Elsa. She was happy that Yoongi, after so many years of waiting for the love of his life, was finally going out with someone.

"Hello Y/n. You remind me so much of a girl I knew years ago in high school," Elsa said, smiling, as she was Amelia's best friend and Y/n's mother.

"And this is Jungkook," Yoongi said, not knowing how to explain who Jungkook was to Y/n.

"Hello Elsa. Nice to meet you. It's great to know that we'll be surrounded by doctors, we'll be healthy all the time," Jungkook said, adding a bit of humor to ease the tension for Yoongi.

Jungkook, Yoongi, Y/n, and Elsa went to a table together, talking about their lives. Yoongi and Elsa were speaking with Jungkook and Y/n.

"What do you think, Yoongi, if you join us tomorrow at the house? It's Y/n's birthday, and we're having a family meal. You're invited!" Jungkook said, so Yoongi could talk to Y/n.

"Yes, I would gladly come if Y/n doesn't mind us going," Yoongi said nervously.

"No, of course not. You're both invited. I didn't know about the party, but it's fine," Y/n said, smiling.

"Hello, hello, we're here. Jongwoo was asleep, and we didn't want to wake him up," Eva said, holding Jiwoo and Jongwoo in her arms.


Chaeyoung and Taehyung arrived at midnight, and all the guests stood up from their tables, waving them goodbye with balloons and lights, shouting as they laughed and exchanged tender kisses.

"Long live the newlyweds!" the guests exclaimed, watching them pass through the crowd towards their limousine, which would take them directly to the airport and then to the Canary Islands for their three-week honeymoon.

"Enjoy your honeymoon to the fullest, my friend, and don't forget to do your daily chores because Jongwoo needs a playmate," Y/n said, smiling and playfully teasing Chaeyoung.

"We will do them every day, you can be sure of that. By the time we return, we'll have something planned!" Chaeyoung replied, hugging Y/n tightly.

"Congratulations, Tae. Take care of Chaeyoung, and I genuinely wish you both happiness and prosperity in your marriage," Y/n said, embracing Taehyung.

"Thank you so much, Y/n. I also wish that everything works out between you and Jungkook now, that things are different, and that the three of you can be happy. My nephew deserves it. You and Jungkook deserve it," Taehyung expressed, holding Y/n's hands.

"Well, brother, congratulations. I wish you nothing but happiness, and you are welcome to stay at our house in the Canary Islands for as long as you want," Jungkook said, giving Taehyung a tight hug.

"Thank you, Kook. I also hope everything works out with Y/n. I'll give you a call later. Right now, I'll be quite busy with my beautiful wife," Taehyung said, smiling, as he embraced Chaeyoung from behind.

Amidst smiles and cheers, they departed in the limousine, heading to the airport.

Y/n and Yoongi stayed behind, while Jungkook observed from a distance, focusing on security. Y/n had brought her hands to her face, as if crying, and Yoongi wiped tears from his own face.

"Y/n, can you spare a moment? I need to talk to you. I know it's not the right time, but I really need to," Yoongi said, looking at Y/n with a puzzled expression.

"Of course, Yoongi. It's okay. Tell me what you need to talk about," Y/n replied.

"So, it may not be the right moment, nor the right place, but I don't want to waste any more time or keep this great news hidden. A couple of days ago, I found out that I am your father," Yoongi said, his voice trembling and tears welling up in his eyes, wanting to embrace Y/n.

"You must be joking, right? My father is a married man. He forgot about me years ago. You cannot be him, Yoongi. Please, don't play with this," Y/n said, tears streaming down her cheeks and her heart racing.

"Y/n, you have to listen to me. Your aunt lied to you. I loved your mother like crazy, and I would have never abandoned you. Your aunt fabricated a story that she had an affair with me one night when I was heavily intoxicated, but I know it was a lie. Your mother chose not to believe me and simply vanished. Y/n, I have searched for you for so many years. Let me make up for all those years I missed being there for you," Yoongi pleaded, watching Y/n cover her face and cry. Jungkook was about to walk towards them to comfort Y/n, but Elsa stopped him immediately.

"They need to talk alone, Yoongi is telling Y/n the whole truth," Elsa said, holding Jungkook back.

To be Continue...

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