Chapter 35

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One month later...

Y/n had reached eight months of pregnancy. Even though she found it increasingly difficult to bend down and move quickly, she continued working without stopping. In her free time, she had knitted several clothes for her baby.

In the hospital, Yoongi and Jimin were taking care of her health, which made Y/n not feel so alone.

"Y/n, I see that you're finished. I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner, whatever you feel like eating, whatever you crave." Jimin said nervously, standing next to Yoongi who was looking at some papers, smiling as he saw that Jimin had finally mustered up the courage to ask Y/n out on a date.

He nodded and smiled at Y/n. The fact that Jimin had been so kind to her and had given her the job made it difficult for her to refuse.

"Alright, I'll go grab my coat and we can leave," Jimin said nervously, smiling as he walked to his office.

"Yes," Y/n replied, also feeling nervous about accepting and unsure if it was the right decision.

Yoongi noticed Y/n's nervous and thoughtful expression, her face pale.

"Y/n, can I give you some advice?" Yoongi asked, leaning against the counter.

"Yes, please," Y/n replied nervously.

"Someone once told me, do not be afraid to start over... You're not starting over, this time you're starting with experience," Yoongi said, taking Y/n's hand to calm her.

Yoongi's touch on Y/n's hand helped her calm down and made her realize that there was nothing wrong with going on a date or giving herself a chance without any commitment.

Jimin exited his office nervously and looked at Y/n, and they walked together to the car.

During the drive, both of them were nervous and didn't know what to say. Jimin didn't want this night to go unnoticed, so he took her to the best steak restaurant in the country.

Nervously, Jimin took Y/n by the waist as they entered and led her to their table near a window, where they could see the entire city.

"What can I offer you to drink?" a waiter asked.

"I'll have a natural juice and a medium rare roast steak, please," Jimin said nervously.

"I want the same," Y/n said without taking her eyes off the menu.

By the time the waiter left and returned with the drinks, Jimin had gathered up his courage.

"Y/n, I know this may seem out of place because we work together and hardly know each other, but I want us to treat each other differently. I really like you," Jimin said, looking into Y/n's eyes.

"Jimin, I'm not just any woman. I'm pregnant, divorced. It's not like you're going out with a woman without responsibilities," Y/n said, embarrassed by Jimin's words.

"I know that once the baby is born, you'll have different responsibilities and won't have much time, but I don't care. I can be the man you lean on whenever you can't handle it anymore," Jimin said, tenderly touching Y/n's cheek.

On the other hand, Jungkook couldn't continue avoiding the conversation with Rose, as she was an investor in one of his projects. As expected, she had asked to go to the best restaurant in the country, and after a month, Jungkook had agreed.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Jungkook walked behind Rose.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence," Rose said, looking at Y/n and Jimin.

Rose was going to enjoy watching Jungkook break when he saw Y/n with another man.

When Jungkook walked over to where Y/n and Jimin were, his heart stopped and a sharp pain pierced his chest, leaving him breathless, as he saw that man touching Y/n's face.

Like a wave of anger, resentment flowed through Jungkook's body, and he walked to the table without thinking.

"Good evening, am I interrupting something?" Jungkook said, staring at Y/n angrily.

Jimin removed his hand from Y/n's face.

Y/n looked at Jungkook, and all the love that she thought had ended came rushing back to her like a bomb in her chest, piercing her with great pain.

"Mr. Jeon, what a pleasure to see you!" said Jimin, as he was prepared to confront Jungkook for Y/n.

Y/n didn't understand how Jimin knew Jungkook.

"Y/n, we need to talk now," said Jungkook, maintaining composure to avoid getting into a fight with Jimin.

"Mr. Jeon, I don't know if you realize that Y/n and I are busy right now," said Jimin, annoyed.

Before Jungkook could say anything else, Rose appeared behind him with a big smile, holding Jungkook's arm.

"Hello, Y/n. What a surprise to see you here, and in such good company," said Rose, smiling.

"Y/n, we need to talk," said Jungkook, serious and clenching his fists.

"Jungkook, please, we have nothing to talk about. Everything became very clear between us, so leave," said Y/n, annoyed to see Jungkook with Rose.

"I'm not leaving, Y/n. You're expecting my child, and we need to talk," said Jungkook, grabbing Y/n's arm.

"Jungkook, enough. I have nothing to say to you," said Y/n angrily.

"She already told you that she doesn't want to, didn't you hear?" Jimin interrupted, standing up from the table.

"You stay out of it. Y/n, let's go," said Jungkook, looking at Jimin.

"Let's go, honey. Leave them. Can't you see they're on a date?" said Rose to Jungkook.

"Better listen to your girlfriend and leave without causing a scene," said Jimin.

"Y/n, please, we need to talk," said Jungkook, looking at Y/n with a desire to hug her and tell her that everything was a mistake.

"I can't. Jimin, please, let's go," said Y/n, tears in her eyes, getting up from the table, revealing her baby bump.

"Y/n, please..." said Jungkook, watching Y/n leave the restaurant with Jimin.

Jungkook followed them. He didn't want to let her go. He loved her like he never thought possible, and seeing her pregnant stirred up many emotions.

"Y/n, just listen to me. I was scared," shouted Jungkook as he watched their car drive away.

"I can't lose her. Max, follow them without them noticing!" Jungkook said, agitated.

Y/n's legs and hands were trembling as she got into the car. She was entering a state of anxiety, and Jimin quickly stopped the car.

"Y/n, look at me. Take deep breaths, think about your baby, breathe," Jimin said, holding Y/n's face to help her calm down.

But every time Jimin touched Y/n, he grew even more fond of her. He wanted to kiss her; Y/n's pink lips attracted him like a magnet. He took her home.

"Jimin, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me," Y/n said.

"Don't worry. We'll have another chance to have dinner," Jimin said, taking Y/n's hand.

"Thank you, Jimin. I'm going to go in. I'm feeling tired," Y/n said, unable to stop thinking about Jungkook.

"Alright, if you need anything, call me," Jimin said, watching Y/n enter the boarding house..

To be Continue...

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