Chapter 48

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Jungkook's cell phone had rang when Mona looked at the name on the screen, which was Y/n. So, she answered to make it seem like they were together.

"Did I get a call?" Jungkook asked, returning to the table and looking at Mona with his phone in her hands.

"Yes, it started ringing when you went to the bathroom a few times, so I thought it might be something important. That's why I answered!" Mona said, watching Jungkook check his calls.

"Did she say anything? It was Y/n!" Jungkook said, somewhat annoyed that Mona had never earned his trust to do something like this.

"She didn't say much, the call got cut off. I hope it doesn't bother you!" Mona said, getting up from the table as she saw Jungkook getting upset.

"Don't worry, it's just that answering for you doesn't look good. It's one in the morning, I should be at the hotel and not here. This was not a good idea!" Jungkook said, dialing Y/n's number and the phone rang as if it were out of service.

"Wait, Jungkook, we're not doing anything wrong. I don't see why the drama, or is it because I attract you?" Mona said, throwing herself on Jungkook to kiss him, but he stopped her immediately.

"Look, Mona, I think you misunderstood everything. I'm only grateful for everything you said about me when I was sick. I don't want anything to do with you, I don't like you, I'm not interested, and I don't want to have any conflict with you. You're a good doctor, but that's where it ends. It's better if we don't see each other again!" Jungkook said, angry, grabbing Mona's arm while tears filled her eyes from the embarassment and anger at the disdain Jungkook had shown her in front of so many people.

"You're an idiot!" Mona said, watching Jungkook leave the place.

Jungkook left, got in his car immediately, and while on his way to the hotel, he started calling Max.

"Hello, Max, good evening. Sorry to bother you, is everything okay over there with Y/n and my son?" Jungkook asked.

"Good evening, boss. Everything is calm. We just arrived home after Miss Chaeyoung's bachelorette party. The lady went up to her room to sleep a while ago. Do you want me to let her know that you're calling?" Max asked.

"No, Max, just leave it. She must be tired. She called me a while ago, but I'll talk to her tomorrow. Have a restful night, good night!" Jungkook said.

"Good night, boss!" Max replied, going back to sleep.

Jungkook knew what he had to do, which was not to let time pass and allow Y/n to think things that weren't true. So, he scheduled his return home for tomorrow morning.

The next morning, Y/n didn't want to think about last night's phone call. So, she immediately got out of bed, carrying Jongwoo, and after breastfeeding him for a bit.

"Come on, my love, let's go see Aunt Chaeyoung to wake her up!" Y/n said, walking to Chaeyoung's room. Throughout the morning, Y/n had been by Chaeyoung's side.

A manicurist, hairdressers, and makeup artists had arrived, sent by Taehyung for both of them. Y/n was lost in thought, staring into space.

"Y/n, you called Jungkook. You can't continue like this. When I see him, I'll give him a piece of my mind. He can't be doing the same thing again!" Chaeyoung said.

"Let's not talk about Jungkook anymore. Today is your day, okay? So, let's enjoy this massage," Y/n said, lying down on the massage table.

"Wow, I love the new Y/n, more confident than ever," Chaeyoung said, watching Y/n receive a leg massage. Both Chaeyoung and Y/n had their entire bodies waxed.

"For God's sake, Chae, everything burns!" Y/n exclaimed, a towel wrapped around her body.

"Relax, you'll thank me when Jungkook returns and you have that anticipated night of passion," Chaeyoung said, smiling.

After hydrating their skin and applying several masks, Y/n and Chaeyoung were sitting at two dressing tables set up by the makeup artists and hairdressers.

Y/n switched on her phone, and immediately received messages from Jungkook.

'Hi love, I hope you're awake now. I saw your missed call last night but when I tried to return it, your phone was out of service,' Jungkook wrote to Y/n since seven in the morning.

'Hey, don't worry. It wasn't important. I'm with Chae now. We'll talk later,' Y/n responded, sighing.

'Don't worry, my love, but I really need to see you and talk. Sorry if I haven't had much time,' Jungkook wrote from the airplane, noticing that Y/n hadn't seen the message.

"Come on, Y/n, what's wrong? I've known you all my life. Spit it out, what's going on with Mr. Pinocchio?" Chaeyoung said while brushing her hair.

"I don't want to talk about it right now," Y/n said.

"Come on, Y/n, let it out. If you don't, I'll get mad. So, speak up, what happened?" Chaeyoung said.

"Okay, yesterday I called Jungkook as you told me. It was past 1 a.m., and a woman, whom I think is called Dr. Mona, answered. She said Jungkook had gone to the bathroom and forgot his phone," Y/n said.

"I told you, I warned you, Y/n. You're moving too slow with Jungkook. That woman is a bitch who never misses the chance to flirt with him, touching him under the pretext of being his doctor. Did you ask her what she was doing there with him? Did you talk to Jungkook? Did you confront him? Tell me, what did you do?!" Chaeyoung said, angered.

"Nothing. My phone died last night, so I didn't turn it back on. I didn't feel like talking to him or asking for any explanations. After all, we're nothing. Now he just messaged me saying he was trying to reach out. But I want to be fine today. I don't want to worry about what will happen tomorrow. If there's nothing between him and me, and he's already in another relationship, so be it. I have to accept it, even though it hurts," Y/n said, holding back tears.

"No, you won't accept anything. When he gets here, I'll call him again, and you'll tell him straight to his face what he was doing with that woman there. You'll ask him to be clear about what he wants with you. If he doesn't want anything, it's the end of the story. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman. Let him lose out. So wipe that sad face and smile. The only one who will lose in this will be him. Although I talked with Taehyung, and he mentioned that Jungkook is there for work-related reasons, dealing with some passport issues of the workers. He never mentioned the doctor," Chaeyoung said.

"You're right. I shouldn't worry. Let's just focus on the fact that we only have three hours to make you look beautiful and get to the church. So stop gossiping and let the hairstylist do your hair, Chae," Y/n said, smiling.

To be Continue...

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