Chapter 7

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When they arrived home, Jungkook entered the house, and his grandparents were already there, along with Jiwoo.

"Grandma, I'm glad you're here... Jungkook is a dictator," Jiwoo said, hugging her grandmother.

"Jungkook, we came here from London to meet your new girlfriend and future wife," said his grandfather.

"I'm glad you came. Can I offer you something to drink? Nana makes delicious cream buns," Jungkook tried to change the subject.

"Come here, my boy. Look how much you've grown," his grandmother said, hugging them like when they were children.

"Don't change the subject, Jungkook. We agreed that in two years, you would find a woman who would guide and accompany you, and you would stop being a recluse, getting involved with one woman after another," his grandfather said.

"Oh yes, grandpa. My brother is actively searching for a wife every day, and he even has a long list," Jiwoo said mockingly.

"Jiwoo, that's enough. Grandpa, I know that time is running out for me, and yes, I already have a girlfriend. I'll bring her soon for you to meet," Jungkook said, walking to the dining room where Nana had already served dinner.

"Really, my boy? Tell us about her," his grandmother said.

"Hmm, she's a girl with long brown hair, slim build, light brown eyes, fair complexion, with a strong personality," Jungkook said, describing Y/n.

"I hope you're not lying and that she's not one of those women from the bars you frequent daily!" said his grandfather, taking a bite of his plate of meat.

"And what does she do for a living?" Jiwoo asked.

"Well, she's a newly graduated lawyer from Seoul National University!" Jungkook said, smiling.

"I believe you, my child. I can see it in your eyes when you talked about her," his grandmother said.

Dinner continued without further questions, but Jungkook's mind couldn't stop thinking about Y/n and how maybe, thanks to that accident, he could solve all his problems if Y/n became his girlfriend just for appearances.

That night, Jungkook went to bed with thoughts of Y/n, which was not very common because no woman had ever kept him awake, especially not a nerdy and poorly dressed girl from the low-class suburbs like Y/n.

On the other hand, Y/n was in Chaeyoung's borrowed room, staring at the ceiling, wondering... who she really was and if this was truly where she wanted to be..





The next morning...

Y/n woke up around noon after charging a phone that Chaeyoung had lent her.

She checked her social media, knowing that what she would see would crush her, so before looking at anything, she began deleting all her accounts.

She got out of bed, took a shower, as she was determined to go to her house and talk to Grace about everything, the whole truth.

Y/n took a taxi to her house, and when she arrived, it took her several minutes to gather the courage to enter. An anxiety enveloped her from head to toe.

Jungkook's bodyguard, Max, had already investigated Y/n's entire life. He knew that her sister had married her boyfriend and that Y/n was filled with debt.

Jungkook already had all this information. Max
had been waiting on the opposite sidewalk for Y/n to appear, to call Jungkook as soon as he saw her.

"Miss Y/n is here!" Max said, looking at a nervous Y/n.

"Okay, don't move from there. I'll be there in 10 minutes," Jungkook said, leaving his house on a black motorcycle.

After a few minutes and wiping her tears, Y/n walked to the house. Her mother, upon seeing her, ran outside to greet her.

"What are you doing here?" her mother asked angrily.

"I'm fine, Mother, besides almost being dead for a few days, yes, I'm fine," Y/n sarcastically replied.

"You're here, and I see you're fine. Now tell me why you've come," her mother whispered.

"Well, Mother, I didn't expect anything more from you. I know you don't love me, but not caring if I die is on another level, Mother. Believe me, I didn't come to see you. I came to see Grace, so step aside," Y/n said.

"You won't go anywhere. Grace and Flex are about to leave for their honeymoon, don't ruin it," her mother said, tightly holding Y/n's arm.

"Grace, Grace!" Y/n shouted while her mother tried to cover her mouth with her hand.

Grace came out of the house, followed by Flex, who froze upon seeing Y/n standing in front of him, looking at him as if he were a stranger.

"Y/n, I'm glad you came," Grace said, hugging Y/n.

"Y/n..." Flex said, getting closer to Y/n and Grace.

"Grace, I need to tell you something," Y/n said, trying to maintain composure.

Jungkook arrived on his motorcycle, observing the scene as he approached. He noticed how Flex looked at Y/n as if he wanted to run to her and kiss her.

Y/n was somewhat nervous as her mother stared at her with eyes that seemed ready to kill her.

Just as Flex was about to reach her, she felt a gentle hand on her waist, and when she looked to her side, she found Jungkook's face, smiling at her. She was shorter than him, so she looked up.

"Darling, I'm here!" Jungkook said, smiling, looking at everyone bewildered, and planting a kiss on Y/n's lips, leaving her stunned and with a pounding heart...

To be Continue.....

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