Chapter 2

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Grace looked at Y/n, smiling without knowing that her engagement was hurting Y/n and creating a divide between them that could only be healed with time.

Y/n listened to the sound of glasses clinking, the toasts of people celebrating with hugs and good wishes, and her dreams and hopes were shattered.

She stood paralyzed, watching the scene of love between her sister and her boyfriend, as they promised to be together.

On the other hand, Flex felt so guilty seeing her devastated, unable to rush to explain what was really happening and restraining his feelings as his father held him back, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"It's not the right time, Flex, to..." his father said, calming Flex down to prevent a scene.

Grace walked towards Y/n to hug her, hoping that Y/n would congratulate her on her engagement and be happy for her.

"Y/n...! What a surprise, it's great that you're here for my engagement with Flex," Grace said, hugging Y/n tightly, while Y/n still couldn't comprehend what was happening and why this betrayal occurred.

Flex's mother approached Y/n since she was in shock, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was celebrating and distracted, she took her out of the house.

"Y/n, please, come outside," Flex's mother said, trying to prevent a disaster from happening in front of everyone.

Y/n walked, unable to see clearly as tears clouded her eyes and the pain in her chest seemed to leave her breathless and panicked.

"Let me go, what is happening? This is a joke, right?" Y/n said, crying with a red face and trembling hands due to anger.

"Y/n, please try to calm down, I know this is very hard, but I'm going to explain..." Flex's mother said, being interrupted by Y/n's mother who immediately came out of the house upon seeing Y/n.

"What is happening, Y/n? What are you doing here and why are you crying?" her mother asked, confused.

"What is happening...that's what I'm also wondering. Until a few hours ago, Flex was my boyfriend and now he's engaged to my sister!" Y/n said, hysterically.

At that moment, Flex came out from behind Y/n.

"What? How can he be your boyfriend?" her mother asked, confuse.

"Flex, explain to all of us what is going on!" Y/n said, with a broken voice, looking at Flex.

Flex looked down and, unable to meet Y/n's eyes, remained silent.

"Look, Y/n, I'm not sure what's going on, but Grace is pregnant. She's four months pregnant and her health is delicate. If she finds out, her life will be in danger!" his mother said, angry.

"Pregnant? How could you, you bastard... and with my own sister..." Y/n screamed, hitting Flex with her hands.

"Y/n, listen to me, it's not what you think, I swear to you I..." Flex said, allowing Y/n to hit him with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Enough, Y/n, stop...! This is not the right moment, we'll talk later," her mother said, interrupting between Flex and Y/n, not allowing Flex to finish talking.

"Are you serious, Mother? Are you really going to let him marry my sister, even after knowing that he and I had a relationship and he got involved with my sister?!" cried Y/n, tears streaming down her face as she looked at her mother.

"Y/n, you need to listen to me. Things are not as you think. What happened between Grace and me was just a mistake. I love you," Flex pleaded, trying to take Y/n's arm to make her look at him and listen.

"Don't you dare touch me, you hypocrite," Y/n barely whispered.

"I said enough, Y/n. We will discuss this later, understood? Now, I want you to calm down, go inside, put on your best face, and congratulate your sister. Have I made myself clear? If Grace gets upset or loses the baby, it will be your fault, both of you. And Flex, you should be inside with Grace, so please Kayung, take your son inside and make him fulfill his responsibilities. I will take care of my daughter,"

Y/n's mother said, without even considering Y/n's feelings in that moment, as always, giving Grace more importance and sidelining Y/n.

Since they were little girls, Y/n and Grace, their mother, always made distinctions between them.

New clothes and shoes were always for Grace, to make her look like a doll, while Y/n always had to make do with hand-me-downs or things her grandmother bought her.

Y/n never said anything because she always thought it was okay, as Grace was the youngest and needed to be protected.

When they reached high school, their mother became even stricter with Y/n and always demanded more from her. Y/n worked in the afternoons after school to pay for her own studies, as their mother only had money to help Grace.

"I'm leaving. I won't play this game of Flex and you," Y/n said angrily.

"I said, you come in and shut up. Wipe those tears, you can't play the victim. How could you think that Flex would really be interested in you? Come on, this is what you get for acting like a street girl. So, let's go inside and behave," her mother said, grabbing Y/n's arm forcefully, angry and belittling her once again.

Her mother's words finally broke Y/n. But now, her mother's words were nothing compared to the pain she felt about Flex's engagement to her sister. She was not willing to go inside the house and pretend that she didn't love Flex.

As soon as her mother let go of her and walked towards the house, Y/n ran without a second thought, escaping from her reality.

She couldn't see properly, as tears clouded her vision. She stumbled on everything in her path, her body trembling.

She ran away, crying uncontrollably, not knowing where she was going or what she would do. All she knew was that she didn't want to be in that place.

"Y/n, come back!" her mother screamed angrily.

"Stupid girl," her mother muttered as she entered the house, annoyed.

To be Continue...

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