Chapter 36

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"Boss, Miss Y/n just checked into a pension!" Max said from the car, looking at Y/n.

"Did that man enter with her?!" Jungkook asked, getting into his car.

"No, sir, Miss Y/n entered alone!" Max replied.

"Send me the address, I'm on my way!" said Jungkook, feeling nervous.

Jungkook accelerated the car while looking at the route on the car's screen.

Y/n entered the pension and took the elevator, tears streaming down her eyes, her throat tied in a knot, leaving her breathless.

Upon entering, she sat on the bed, trying to calm herself, gently touching her belly as her baby was being particularly restless and moving too much.

"Forgive me, my love, for not allowing your father to be by your side during this process, but it's for the best for everyone, so that no one gets hurt again," Y/n said tearfully.

She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door. No one knew where she lived except for Jimin, so he got up to answer it. When he saw Jungkook standing there in front of her.

Y/n wanted to close the door immediately, but Jungkook wouldn't let her.

"Y/n, please, listen to me. I need to tell you that I made a mistake!" Jungkook said, entering behind Y/n.

"Jungkook, leave! Don't do this. Finally, our lives are calm!" Y/n said.

"No, Y/n, I won't lose you and our child. Don't ask me to do that; I won't!" Jungkook said.

"It's all over. This baby is mine and no one else's. I am keeping my promise to stay away from you, as much as you've wanted," Y/n said through tears.

"I know, I was a fool... I am afraid of hurting you, of being happy and having that happiness end one day with this illness, and you having to stay by my side and suffer," Jungkook said, tears in his eyes.

"Do you know how many nights I spent in hell without hearing from you, thinking you were with someone else? And when I found out you were close to dying, I wished I could die too out of sadness for not being able to be by your side taking care of you. And you just took me out of your life without thinking about anything other than yourself and your fears!" Y/n exclaimed, agitated.

"You're right, and I'm sorry. But I swear, my love, that I won't let it happen again. I love you, Y/n. I love you like I've never loved anyone in my life," Jungkook said, taking Y/n's hands.

Y/n's heart was beating heavily when she felt water between her legs.

Jungkook and she looked at the floor, and a sharp pain ran through her waist, turning Y/n pale.

"The baby is coming!" Y/n exclaimed, breathless, holding her belly.

"Calm down, come, I'll take you to the hospital," Jungkook said, holding Y/n by the waist.

They got into the elevator, and Jungkook trembled nervously as he watched Y/n suffer in pain.

"I'll take you to the best hospital; they will take good care of you," a nervous Jungkook said.

"No, please... take me to the hospital where I work Jungkook," Y/n said, sweating.

"Alright..." Jungkook said said, trembling, while he stared at the timer on his cellphone.

Jungkook drove as fast as he could while looking at Y/n, and without thinking, he put his hands on her belly.

"Hold on, we'll be there soon, son!" Jungkook said with his hand on Y/n's belly, feeling a tingling sensation in his chest.

Y/n had never experienced such pain before; her body was sweating and trembling from the pain, trying to take deep breaths to calm the pain a little, the journey was getting longer and longer.

When they arrived, Jungkook helped Y/n out of the car, and they entered the hospital.

"Please, someone help me!" Jungkook said nervously and desperately, seeing Y/n suffer more and more.

Yoongi came out of his office and looked at Y/n.

"Help me, Yoongi, my baby!" tiredly exclaimed Y/n.

"A stretcher, quickly!" Yoongi said, also helping Jungkook support Y/n.

As they lifted Y/n onto the stretcher, she was immediately taken to the delivery room. Yoongi had tried to locate Jimin, as he was in charge of Y/n's pregnancy, but without much success.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked Jungkook, looking at him from side to side as he sweated.

"I am the baby's father, doctor. I would like to be present to support Y/n!" Jungkook nervously said.

"Alright, I'll let you in, but if she becomes restless, I'll have to remove you. Do we agree? Now, go with the nurse to get a gown and wash your hands!" Yoongi said.

As Jungkook put on the gown and washed his hands, he was very nervous. His hands were sweating too much, and he felt a lot of stress about being with Y/n immediately.

On the other hand, Y/n couldn't take the intense pain anymore. When she saw Jungkook pass through the door, she took a deep breath, and he took her hand.

"Stay calm, everything will be fine, our child will be fine!" Jungkook said, holding Y/n's hand and giving her the tranquility she needed, as always.

"Y/n, I tried to reach Jimin, but he's not responding. I will help you with your delivery if you agree!" Yoongi said.

"Okay, please, Yoongi, help my baby!" Y/n said.

"Y/n, let's begin. You had a few weeks left before delivery and now we're dealing with a premature birth. It's too late to try and retain the baby, he's coming. Okay, I need you to take deep breaths and push as hard as you can every time I ask you to. It's alright, Y/n!" said Yoongi, nervous and concerned for Y/n's well-being and what could happen.

Yoongi prepared Y/n on the stretcher and she was already fully dilated, taking deep breaths to prepare herself.

"Y/n, your baby is coming. I need you to push as soon as the contraction comes!" said Yoongi.

Y/n felt a sharp pain in her stomach and she pushed.

"Ahhh mmm!" Y/n exclaimed, pushing while holding Jungkook's hand.

"Very well, Y/n. You did an amazing job. Now I need you to push again, but this time with more strength!" said Yoongi.

Y/n held Jungkook's hand even tighter and pushed.

"Come on, my love, you can do it!" Jungkook said nervously.

"I've got it, Y/n. Push harder!" said Yoongi, holding the baby's head.


Suddenly, a cry filled the room, making Jungkook and Y/n look at each other and smile.

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" Yoongi said, smiling.

Jungkook kissed Y/n's forehead, tears in his eyes just like hers..

To be Continue...

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