The animals know all

Start from the beginning


           Grian knocked uncertainly on False's door in Hermitopia, wondering what to say. Even through the wood, he could sense that his friend wasn't feeling so well, but not in the physical sense. "False, can I come in?" He asked. There was no answer, but the lack of a 'go away' was invitation enough to convince Grian to enter.

           False was lying stop her bed, staring at the ceiling. Grian was struck at how hollow her room appeared to be. Compared to her tower, where every available space was put to work, there was almost no personal items or anything that told you someone lived and worked in it.

           "I'm sorry about your tower," Grian said. "You left a lot of your stuff in there." "I'm not thinking about the tower." False said blandly. "Why did you do that deal?" "I was trying to save your life." Grian said.

           "I would've respawned."

           "That's a chance and you and I both know that."

           "But how am I supposed to fix her when I'm banned from Cogsmeade?! She could be doing anything in that empire of hers and I can't stop her!"

           "False, don't you ever think that she might not be all bad?"

           "She is all bad."

           "She's changed after you wiped her memory and sent her here. She's made good friends with Jimena, and bad people don't do that."

           "Just because you're friends with her friend doesn't mean you know her like I do."

           "You only know half of her. It's true one half of her wants revenge on you, but the other half just wants to be left alone in leave and safety. Can't you let her have that?"

           "Go away, Grian. I need to get myself a new computer. At least I can still track her." False said flatly, ignoring whatever he said. Grian silently left the room and flew down to the ground. "Didn't go very well, huh?" Pearl asked, suddenly materializing by his side.

           Grian shook his head. "I think she thinks I made a mistake." He said. "And maybe she's right." Pearl sighed. "Grian, you saved her. She'll understand that. And sooner or later False had got to admit that this deal you made might just stop her clone from killing people. And that's what she wants, doesn't she?"

           Grian smiled. "Yeah, thanks Pearl." Pearl suddenly grinned a mischievous grin. "You're welcome, now go catch me some rabbits." "What? Why?" Grian asked, taken aback. "Because I'm cooking rabbit stew and I need rabbits." Pearl said like it was obvious. "But why are you asking me?"

           "Because you owe me, Grian, for not telling me you were a Watcher sooner!" Pearl said, punching him playfully on the shoulder. "What?! No I don't!" Grian protested. "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!"

           Eventually Pearl got her way and Grian was outside at spawn chasing rabbits. He wished Scar was there with him; Hotguy could easily shoot them down and he wouldn't have to get a faceful of skrt everytime he tried and failed to grab them with his hands. But Scar was still at Tumble Town; he'd talked to him and Jimmy and Jimena earlier. Why are rabbits so feisty and hard to catch?!

           Sooner or later, though, Grian had caught three and was triumphantly returning home to Hermitopia with his haul when he saw her. She was wearing a lime green dress that stretched over her toes and a matching veil that covered her eyes. Her fiery red hair glowed with a bright verduous tinge and her  wings fluttered like the green flash at dawn.

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