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           False, armed with the map that Pix gave her, flew to Cogsmeade, flying as low as possible. Her plan was to try and get obscured by the trees and rocks, so no one, least of all the other False, could see her coming. Eventually, as she approached a village that had to be Cogsmeade, she pulled up to land on the roof of a broken clocktower and surveyed her surroundings.

           The place looked really nice. The other False had a pretty palette going on and was apparently as good a builder as she was. False was absorbed enough in admiring the architecture that she almost missed the other False arriving. At least she was on foot; she didn't see the figure atop the clocktower. 

           False crouched lower. She watched as the empress scurried around, busy doing little chores around Cogsmeade. She didn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary. She doesn't seem to be acting evil. Good, I guess that means that the amnesia I put on her still works.

           Just then, someone with an elytra flew close by, and False ducked so whoever it was couldn't see her. She saw a glimpse of mechanical wings, a flash of copper, raven-black hair. The girl landed next to the empress, startling her. False watched as the other her swung an ax at the girl, scared. Is she going to- 

            The black-haired girl dodged, but she tripped and tumbled down the side of the mountain falling really badly. False winced. That's got to hurt. The other False dropped her ax and ran toward the girl who fell. False tensed on the clocktower roof, wondering if she should intervene and help her, but it turned out she didn't have to.

           The empress picked up the black-haired girl, and even though False was pretty far away, it looked like she was very concerned over her well-being and was asking repeatedly if she was okay. The other girl appeared to brush False off, saying that she was alright, and then proceeded to assist the empress in various chores. 

           False watched the two of them chat with each other, laugh about something she couldn't hear. She smiled. Looks like she made a friend. I wonder who the black-haired girl is? False thought at first that it was Princess Katherine, from Glimmer Grove, but she'd realized that Katherine was taller and buffer and had longer hair.

           She'd met all the thirteen emperors on her tour around this world, visiting all the empires, and questioning them about the other False, and she couldn't think of another empress with black hair. Guess that girl's not an emperor, just a citizen or something.

           It got incredibly uncomfortable on the roof of the clocktower, even more so when it started to rain and she was stuck up there. False was feeling cramped from squatting on an uneven roof; she had no umbrella unless an elytra counted as a makeshift one; she still had to watch the other False in case she did something, though.

           But next time she did this, she needed to think of another method. I need a base of operations here. Something that'll blend in, hide. So she won't notice. Maybe a random hole in the mountain. No, excavating will take too long and would be too noticeable; what with the all dirt and rocks that I have to put somewhere afterward. And a treehouse won't work; there aren't any trees here. 

          False looked around, looking for something, anything that could help her hide a base that she could use to spy and watch the other her constantly. But the problem with Cogsmeade was that, being in a mountainous biome, the landscape wasn't helpful for hiding. Then a thought occurred to her.

           What if she hid it in plain sight? She still should have all that extra confusion and disorientation with the amnesia; and if I copy her building style she might not notice another building that looks just like all the other buildings she's got lying around. If I'm lucky, she might even think she built it herself but forgot. She should still be forgetful too

Watching and Listening - An Empires SMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now