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    Anzu's alarm showed no mercy the next morning as it screamed harshly, "Argh.." Anzu moaned blindly banging around finally silencing the offending noise. Lazily checking her phone to see nothing important other than a few errands and a shift at her convenience store job in two hours decided to get on with her day. Stretching her limbs out wildly before abandoning the warm comfort of the bed for the cold tile of the bathroom. Pausing in her door frame to do a double take of Kuroo and Kenma's cuddling bodies on the sofa, fitted together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Anzu held her hand gently over her slack mouth as a warm sensation bubbled within her. Soon fading to a small sense of jealousy at wanting to be between the two boys, surrounded by their radiating warmth.
    "...They look so happy...I wish I didn't have to go work I wanna go lay with them...." Anzu whined internally as she tip-toed into the kitchen to make her coffee and small breakfast before silently making her exit to the patio to eat and have a bit of quiet time to prepare for her day. The oven clock read 8:30 as Anzu strode down the hall wearing her work uniform pausing in the hallway to slip into her shoes and throw her backpack over her shoulders. She popped her head into the kitchen one last time to check that the pink sticky note was in place on the coffee pot for the sleeping boys when they awoke. Taking one last look at the tangled pair on the sofa Anzu placed a feather light peck on each boy's head with a silent "I love you." Before slipping quietly out the door to begin her short journey to work for the day, leaving the boys to their own devices.
    Kenma was the first of the two to wake, his eyes fluttering open at the sensation of his baby hairs ruffling his long lashes. Flicking his eyes up to identify the cause of his consciousness they began to widen at the sight of Kuroo's unruly nest of hair as the middle blocker snuggled his setter closer to his chest as he slept. A silent, strangled yelp escaped Kenma's lips as he allowed Kuroo to cling to him, taking a moment to relish the feeling and scent of having the rooster this close to him. His slender fingers weaved gently between Kuroo's calloused ones, moving them from their hold around Kenma's body, allowing him to make his escape to the bathroom. Taking a ragged breath, Kenma raised his gaze to see his reflection under the harsh light of the vanity. Running his hands shakily through his hair in a feeble attempt to process waking up in Kuroo's arms. "...Well I guess we did essentially confess to each other?.... But what are we gonna do about Anzu?..." Kenma mumbled quietly at his reflection as he adjusted Kuroo's hoodie hanging from his body, throwing the hood over his messy hair before leaving the safety of the bathroom to return to a sleeping Kuroo.
    Kenma settled gently on the sofa with his switch, burrowing himself inside the rooster's hoodie as he realized that he had to tell Kuroo about his kiss with Anzu. A shudder ran down Kenma's spine as he powered animal crossing up to occupy his thoughts until the rooster finally rose. As Kenma completed the last remodel on his villager's homes the rooster finally began to stir. "Good morning sleepy head," Kenma softly sang with a chuckle as Kuroo rolled to face him on the sofa, a look of confusion painting his face. "Yeah I know, I've been up about an hour, you want your coffee?" Kenma asked with a soft smirk as Kuroo nodded sleepily in response, still too tired to make words. Kenma ambled into the kitchen pausing to find Anzu's sticky note plastered on the coffee pot. "Looks like puppy luv left us a note before she went to work," he called cheerfully, reaching out to grab the note from the pot, clearing his throat to read it aloud for the half-asleep rooster still perched on the sofa.

    " Good morning sleepy heads!!
        <3 I have a shift at the store, then some errands to run I should be back around 7 tonight!
            Please don't tear up the house too badly, Love you, my hellions!
    ~Anzu <3"
    Kenma read aloud, smiling sweetly gazing down at Anzu's comforting handwriting, looking up into the living room at the sound of Kuroo's sleepy voice, "We are not hellions, I am nothing short of a ray of fucking sunshine," Kuroo rambled grumpily, not attempt to hide the smile tugging at his lips from Anzu's sweet words.
    A short time later Kenma wandered back into the living room holding two steaming cups of coffee, holding one out for Kuroo to take happily as he smiled up at the setter in silent thanks, and Kenma took his place at the end of the sofa happily with his source of caffeine. Kuroo glanced at Kenma and then the distance between them, letting out a soft hum of disapproval he shook his head to himself reaching out to grab onto the hoodie Kenma had on and dragging him over to himself. Kenma let out a small yelp as he clutched his coffee to his chest to keep it from spilling, cutting his eyes up at Kuroo playfully, "Someone sure is cuddly this morning aren't they?" Kenma teased with a quiet laugh, leaning into Kuroo's side to sip at his coffee as Kuroo let out a content hum mirroring his actions.
The pair set in a content silence as they finished their coffees, Kenma clearing his throat to speak as he finished his last sip, cutting his eyes nervously up at Kuroo in hesitation. "We need to talk about some big stuff today Kuroo..." Kenma trailed nervously shifting his gaze down to his empty coffee cup, a strong silence blanketing them as they sat tangled on the sofa. Kuroo hummed in audible thought to ease some of the tension he could feel oozing from Kenma's body, he tilted his head back letting his eyes wander over his surroundings lazily as he spoke, "I agree kitten, I need to tell you about something that happened between Anzu and me the day of the party," he confessed softly raising his head to meet Kenma's wide eyes with a soft blush as Kuroo appeared genuinely bashful for the first time in their entire lives.
Kenma sat in stunned silence, his eyes wide as his brain went into overdrive, "...The night of the party?!.... So I'm not the only one that had an interaction with least I don't feel too guilty now..." Kenma reeled internally letting out the breath he had been holding as he shook his head reassuringly toward Kuroo. "Something happened with Anzu and me at the party too Rooster," Kenma confessed softly with a gentle smile, Kuroo slumped as the tension eased from his body, they were still on an even playing field. The boys stayed seated on the sofa tangled in each other as they discussed their encounters with Anzu and how they felt during each one. "Damn that's kinda hot, I want her to give me a shotgun..." Kuroo muttered softly with a small pout pulling at his lips coaxing a soft giggle to erupt from Kenma's throat, "Well ask her for one next time we smoke, I'm sure she'd love to show you. When she does it, grab her by the back of the head and pull her into your lips before she exhales, it'll blow her mind," Kenma teased with a smirk enjoying the view of Kuroo squirming ever so slightly before him.
Kuroo reached his arms up harshly in a stretch as he yawned, "Hey let's get out of the house! I wanna take you on a date!" Kuroo beamed flashing his signature smirk at Kenma's stunned expression. "I-I-.....I...We could go get lunch?" Kenma offered nervously darting his eyes around the room for a distraction as his nerves churned. He flashed his eyes up harshly at the sound of Kuroo's boisterous laughter, "You're so cute when you're flustered," Kuroo chuckled standing from their spot on the sofa to hoist Kenma to his feet. "Come one Kitten, we've got an adventure to go on..." Kuroo cheered as he dragged Kenma happily out the door to his awaiting car, Kenma shaking his head in awe as he smiled lazily up at the excited rooster. "You're a mess Tetsu, you know that?" Kenma muttered softly with a shake of his head, connecting his phone to the Bluetooth to pick the music for the adventure that awaited them.

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