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As Bokuto watched, their mouth hung open at the scene before him. From where he stood in the doorway, he saw Kenma and Anzu kissing. He was struggling to register what he was seeing through his drunk haze. After quietly observing the pair for a few minutes, he remembered his friend waiting for his return at the bottom entrance they had discovered during their drunken exploration. He turned on his heel and quickly headed down to steer Kuroo back to the party because Bo knew how the big rooster felt about Anzu.

"Hi, Bo! Welcome back!" Kuroo drunkenly yelled upon seeing Bokuto come down the stairs he had disappeared up several minutes ago. His vision finally cleared enough that he could see his friend's troubled expression painting his face, "What's wrong, Bo? You look like you just saw a ghost," the rooster babbled on, giggling. "It's nothing, bro; let's return to the party. I'm sure Akashi is looking for us," Bokuto said quickly as he steered Kuroo back by the shoulders. Kuroo allowed himself to be walked back, laughing the whole way in his drunken state, talking about how he loved his friends so much.

As the party raged into the night, people began to drop like flies, finding sleep wherever they may land. Anzu was the last to fall into sleep clutches, tossing and turning into the night as her thoughts and emotions raged inside her.Bokuto was the first to rise in the aftermath of the previous night; clutching his pounding head, he turned towards the rustling against his back to find his love, Akaashi, trying to snuggle further into him. "Good morning, baby owl," the ace cooed as he cuddled his favorite setter. "Let's get out of here and get some breakfast; I'm starving and have a gnarly hangover," Akaashi mumbled as Bokuto peppered his face with kisses. As the pair quietly made their way around their friends' sleeping bodies, They ran into Hinita and Suga talking in the kitchen over a bottle of Advil and water. "Good morning," Akaashi called out quietly to the other pair, watching them return the sentiment with a wave. "We're on the way to get some breakfast to help with the hangover. Wanna tag along?" Bokuto asked, gesturing toward the door and smiling. "You read my mind, owl," Suga responded, chuckling. The group slipped out of the sleeping apartment and went to the cafe. The four boys sat in the quiet cafe, enjoying their coffee and breakfast. Akashi looked up from his plate to catch Hinata pushing his food around with a pained expression; deciding to address it, he spoke, "What's up, Shoyuo? You look like you're trying to find the cure to world hunger over there?" Hinita was snapped out of his thoughts at the setter's question, and never not speaking his thoughts, he responded. " I accidentally saw Kuroo and Anzu having a 'moment" before the party last night. He had her pinned against the wall and was whispering something in her ear; when I finally saw her face, she was blushing, and she looked flustered. I didn't know they were together." Taking a deep breath as he finished his thought. He looked around the table at the others, all sharing equally shocked expressions, except Bokuto's, which had something else mixed in pain. "They can't be together," the owl said quietly, his voice laced with hurt. Akaashi placed his hand on his ace's leg, rubbing circles on his skin. "What do you mean love?" The setter pushed, concerned with his unprompted switch to emo mode. Suga, also worried for his friend, flashed him a soothing Smile, " Tell us what's wrong, Bo, you look like you've been shot." Suga chuckled as he tried to lighten the mood. Bokuto contemplated for a minute before deciding to be honest with his friends. With a deep breath, Bokuto began recounting his adventures from the party, explaining the scene he witnessed between Anzu and Kenma while Kuroo was below them, unknowing. Everyone sat in stunned silence as they listened to the information, struggling to process the thought of Anzu playing both boys. Once the owl started spilling, he could not stop as he detailed the rooster's words, conveying how much he loved and cared for Anzu.Only after getting all of his thoughts out was Bokuto able to stop and breathe as he placed his hand atop Akaashi's that had never left his leg, drawing those comforting shapes that never failed to calm the flighty owl. He looked around at everyone's stunned expressions. "What do you guys think is going on?" Bo questioned, "Because I refuse to believe she is two-timing them both. We all know she would lay down her life for both of them without question!" He added fiercely in fear of hatred growing. Suga was the first to speak, "I think Bo has a point; those three have been thicker than thieves since freshman year. There is a clear love amongst them, and we've seen them protect one another over and over again," he said, rubbing his chin in deep thought. Akaashi felt everyone turn to him at once, waiting for his opinion.Akaashi had always been the most observant out of the group, and his quiet and timid nature allowed him to catch what others couldn't due to his ability to go unseen. It also helped that he and Anzu were close friends because Bokuto and Kuroo were attached at the hip. Even though Anzu had never told Akaashi she had feelings for her two boys, the setter had always speculated about it, and the news he had just heard only confirmed his suspicions. "Have we considered that maybe she has feelings for both of them?" he questioned the group as he raised his brow. Silence fell over the table as everyone got lost in contemplation. They hadn't thought about that at all. The two boys ending up together or one of them and Anzu together, yes, they had all pondered those possibilities quite often as they watched the trio interact throughout their high school lives. "If that is the case and they've got it bad for each other, then I hope they have all the happiness in the world because those three deserve it more than anyone," Hinita said. " I couldn't agree more," Akaashi added as the other two boys nodded.As the group walked to the train station to part ways, Akaashi spoke up, " I'm gonna talk to Anzu about it in a few days. She needs time to sort it out for herself." the other three nodded in agreement before they parted ways to return to their homes.

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