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     Kuroo was the first of the trio to make it to Anzu's door, turning to check on his less athletic friends. "Come on slow pokes!! I'm hungryyy!" He fake cried out. As he looked down he saw something that made his heart do that weird thing he tried to ignore. Kenma was leading, more like dragging, Anzu up the stairs to the door by her hand as she huffed and puffed behind him. "My body was built for comfort, and NOT speed!", Anzu cried out as she mounted the last step, getting ready to unlock the door. He couldn't help but laugh at the girl stood before him.

     If you asked the rooster to describe Anzu he wouldn't know where to start. She was short, only being five foot four inches, making even Kenma feel tall. She had the most captivating eyes that were hardly ever the same color twice, always changing between shades of blue, green, and hazel. She had prominent cheekbones making her heart shaped face stand out amongst the crowd. Her body was curvy with the upper half being slimmer and slightly toned and her bottom half being where the "curve" lived. He admired her from afar, always secretly finding her insanely attractive to him, like a cat to cat nip.

     However there was also a second someone who had caught the blocker's eye. As a certain pudding headed individual pushed his way through Anzu's front door, still holding her other hand that wasn't occupied with letting them in, Kuroo took note of how Kenma's smaller build guided them through the door. The two boys had been by each others side since middle school, Kuroo being the one to initiate the friendship with the much shyer setter. Kenma only had one interest in his life, maybe two if you count volleyball, and that was video games. It didn't matter what game, console, or difficulty level the setter had to play them all! He was timid and soft spoken, being on the shorter side and having a very slim, but muscular build. To the average eye he was weak looking and an easy target, Kenma loved it though because it always worked in his favor.

     Kuroo couldn't tell you when he started finding Kenma attractive, all he knew is he wanted to wrap his big strong arms around that tiny little body and protect him at all cost! Had he come to terms with him being bisexual, yeah, did he tell the other two? Fat chance! It wasn't that he was afraid that his friends would leave him because they were homophobes, he just didn't want to make the friendship weird by telling them that he was in love with not one, but both of them.

     The rooster was brought back to the present by Anzu calling out to him, "Oi! Bird brain you coming in? Or am I cooling the outside too?" She questioned with her standard motherly look she got when they needed to be kept in line. He blushed before quickly stepping into the home, taking in the living room washed in warm tones with touches of different shades of blue throughout. God he loved her house, it was the perfect place to him, always serving as their safe haven.

     They congregated on the sofa, taking their respective spots of Kuroo on the long end, Anzu in the middle, and Kenma on the other side. Anzu wasted no time in handing everyone their spoils and getting up after to retrieve blankets for the group. "What's the blanket wave?" She called out absentmindedly. "Can we share the big one?!?" The rooster responded popping up over the back of the couch to startle the girl who had her head buried in her linen closet. "Okay......AHHHHHHH FUCK BIRDY!!!" She instinctively hollered.  All Kuroo could do was try not to roll of the sofa as he tried to contain his laughter.

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