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    The trio spent the rest of the weekend holed up in Anzu's home. They wasted their time with too many movies no one was paying attention to while Kuroo gave his stoned, dramatic reenactment of the scenes as they played out. The boys spent every second they could watching Anzu float throughout the kitchen, whipping up only the tastest treats for her favorite boys, and they rounded the weekend out with none other than face masks suggested by Anzu to help prepare for the stressful week ahead. Before they knew it they drifted off into sweet sleep, each one dreaming of the other two.
    Kuroo's alarm was the first to break the peace and sweet silence that filled Anzu's home at 5:00 am Monday morning. The rooster quickly silenced his alarm and shortly after, dragging himself out from under the warm blankets. After completing his morning routine to head out on his daily run he paused in the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for his two night owl loves. Anzu was set to rise before the rooster returned, and only God himself knew when Kenma would join the land of the living. Kuroo smiled to him self as he silently moved through the kitchen. He took note of the overwhelming sense of pride and domestication he felt while preparing the pot. It was a small and minial task by all means, but he knew just how much Anzu would smile and appreciate the one less thing she had to worry about to get her day going. The rooster knew just how great his pup's work ethic and drive were, and she had goals their entire high school career to graduate and get her degree in graphic design and join the workforce. It was always her number one dream, one she rarely got to nurture thanks to the demands of suppourting herself and having no one to lean on financially.    
Kuroo clicked his tongue in anger, thinking of all the sacrifices and opportunities Anzu had to give up because her mother abandoned her. The rooster's heart ached, considering how long the precious girl had only herself, not allowing herself to put any trust in others. He nodded defiantly as he finished setting the brew time on the pot so it would be fresh for the girl. Before heading out the door, he scribbled a short note for his love. He smiled satisfactorily before exiting the door and entering a slow jog down the beautiful Fuji-Kaido drive.
    Anzu bolted awake at the sound of her alarm blaring only an hour after the rooster had left. She rubbed her face as she groaned, not wanting to leave her cozy and warm bed. She lazily checked her phone to see what was on today's agenda. Overall it looked to be an easy Monday, thankfully, the only items on the docket were: finishing up applications for design schools, doing some internship reasearch, and working on admission's essays. Anzu exhaled, releasing some of the pent up anxiety that mondays always hold. She sat up and slipped on Kenma's hoodie that had found its way into her room over the weekend and her favorite fuzzy slippers. Quietly moving towards the kitchen being careful to avoid Kenma's sleeping form bundled on the sofa. Anzu paused to note that the puddin head had migrated to Kuroo's empty spot to soak up his residual warmth after he left for his run. She smiled to herself as Kenma subconsciously cuddled deeper into Kuroo's blanket. That is the cutest shit I've ever seen! Anzu thought to herself as she made a beeline for caffeine, only to be stopped by a neon pink sticky note with a confident rooster's handwriting.

" Enjoy the coffee, it's fresh for you! I hope you have an easy day, I'll be back with breakfast bye !"
                Love, your Rooster

    Anzu smiled as she hung the note on the fridge wanting to be able to go back to it on bad days. She poured her coffee and retreated to the balacony to await Kuroo's retrun. She let out a content sigh as she took in the beautiful scenery that was laid out before her.Anzu took in her corner of the world as people began to slowly wake and head off to work for the day. She sipped her coffe and burried deeper into her blanket as she read her book to pass time and before she knew it she heard footsteps pounding the pavement she'd recognize anywhere.
    Anzu hurried inside to grab water for Kuroo as he jogged up the stairs and stopped to stretch for a moment giving Anzu time to meet him at the door. She handed him the water in exchange for the breakfast the boy had brought for them. He followed her in as she sat the food down on the table, "Should we poke the beast?" Kuroo asked as he pointed at the still sleeping boy. "I think we should leave him be, he has a stream later. Did you grab him a red bull? Anzu responded as she dished out the food. "Thank you for the coffee and the note, Kuroo. That was very thoughtful and kind of you. You made my day start off on the right foot!" Anzu said and she gave the rooster a beaming smile. "Keep smiling at me like that and I'll have to come make your coffee every day", the rooster teased, pinching Anzu's cheeks.     Anzu blushed upon hearing Kuroo's teasing tone and feeling him pinch her flaming cheeks. God, why does he do this to me? Anzu thought,t to herself as she removed the rooster's hand from her face, "You are a lady's man, aren't you Tetsu...." Anzu purred not really sure what she was doing anymore. She could see shock flash across the roosters features at her sudden boldness. Anzu sat back in, her chair as she heard Kuroo chuckle to himself, looking up to catch him shaking his head. "What's so funny roo ?" Anzu asked. "If only you knew the truth pup" was all Kuroo said before flashing a sad smile and returning to his untouched breakfast sandwhich.
    Anzu following his lead began to silently eat her breakfast, enjoying the flavor after the first bite. "You went to Ukai's didn't you? This is my favorite and he's the only one who makes breakfast sandwhiches like this" Anzu cooed at the boy across from her who was desperatly trying to act like everything was A ok. Kuroo took in a deep breath before meeting Anzu's gaze, "I wanted to get your favorite in case you had a rough day ahead of you. I just want you to have a smooth day, I know how hard you work, even though you don't give yourself enough credit" Kuroo said honeslty allowing his feelings to guide him for once. Anzu wasn't prepared to hear such put togehter thoughts from the rooster especially this early.
    "Wow Kuroo, I'm a little suprised. That was very thoughtful and kind of you, I appreciate you recognizing my hard work", Anzu responded sweetly as she reached across to grab the roosters hand. She began rubbing small circles across Kuroo's hand while seeming to get lost in contemplation. Kuroo felt he was going to explode any second from her touch ligting him on fire. Before the rooster could speak, Anzu said, "Thank you for always seeing me. Until I met you and puddin, nobody cared to give me a second glance. I was no one just drifting through life, trying to survive in this dismal world, but you guys came along and showed me just how bright and beautiful life can be when you have people to love and support you along the way," she said as she looked up at the rooster to see tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. The pair sat silently for a spell as they ate their food and processed what had been said between them.
    After a while, Kuroo broke the silence, " Pup, I promise we will always see you! We will always love and support you no matter where we all end up, no matter how far away we move from each other. I don't ever want you to feel that sense of loneliness again because you are not alone, do you understand me?!" he finished in a severe tone, " Aye, Aye, Captian," Anzu responded with a giggle at the rooster's seriousness. " I mean it, pup, anytime, no matter when or where you pick up the phone and you call us, and we will move heaven and earth to get to you, baby girl," the rooster replied as he cupped Anzu's face in his much more prominent and substantial hands. His finger outlined her delicate features. Anzu was stunned at his words. Yes, she had always known that to be true, but hearing it with such passion and emotion made her choke up a little. She loved both of them deeply, and it was only a matter of time before she had to do something about these feelings.

A Night on Fuji-Kaido DriveWhere stories live. Discover now