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After the dishes had been cleared and the kitchen cleaned, the trio found themselves back on the sofa, planning the party for the following weekend. It was decided that Kuroo would handle the invitations since he was Mr.Popular. Kenma would control the music and assist Anzu with decorating while she was also in charge of food. Bokuto and Akaashi would bring the drinks/party favors ;). They could feel sleep calling out to them as their planning wound down. "Come on, sleepy heads, let's get some rest; we have a busy week ahead," Anzu cooed at the two boys, who could barely keep their eyes open. She gathered the blankets and pillows she had kept over the years when they had their sleepovers—bringing them back to the living room to help them settle. Before returning to her bed for the night, she paused in her doorway to turn around. She said sweetly, "Sweet dreams, Rooster, rest easy, puddin' head. I love you guys," softly shutting her door and crawling into bed. The last thing Kenma heard before falling to sleep was, "I love you," coming from the girl who held his heart in her palm. He let out a content sigh and allowed his eyes to flutter shut.

    The following week flew by; between the party preparations and Anzu's shifts at her part-time convenience store position, she was ready to let it all loose come Saturday. At last, the time had come; Anzu pulled out her phone Saturday afternoon to double-check the plans with her boys to quell her stirring anxiety.

    After reading Kenma's encouraging words, she felt her face creep into a shy smile, and her heart fluttered. Feeling better, she put on her bad bitch hours playlist. She began getting ready for the evening while the boys would join her at five to set up for the festivities.

     Throwing open her closet, Anzu began to sift through the piles of clothes that filled the small space, contemplating what vibe she wanted. After pulling what felt like a million things out, she began to sort and pair options together. When it was all said and done, she took the two final options. Option one consisted of a white tennis skirt that flowed over her hips, hitting mid-thigh, and a black cropped peasant top. Hanging from the off-the-shoulder neckline was a delicate strip of white lace, and dangling off were small ruby-red jewels. She loved how they accentuated her movements as she danced in her mirror. She would pair whatever she chose with her flat form, black classic vans that made her Coke bottle legs look miles long. She turned back to the bed to try the last option on. Dawning the dark wash, high wasted jeans shorts. They fell almost to her knees, so she opted to cuff them, showing off the shape of her thighs. She threw the baggy t-shirt on, admiring the print of the Great Wave of Kanagawa with a prominent red sun in the background. Below the image in a delicate font, read "As It Is. ". She tied the top into a small knot at the waistband of the shorts and adjusted the top to lay how she liked. She twirled in the mirror, taking in her appearance.

     She loved how both outfits made her feel, the first one invoking her inner baddie, who didn't give a shit about how other people perceived her or what opinions they may hold. She felt almost as if it was ushering her into the new chapter of her life that awaited her. While the thought of allowing herself the freedom to display That side of herself so openly and unabashedly made her a little anxious, it also excited her. On the other hand, the second option brought her a sense of comfort and safety; it was her usual. The version of herself that she knew without a shadow of a doubt that the people she cared about accepted. She wouldn't have to worry about being uncomfortable or insecure if she chose the second option. She could be free to exist with everyone. Thinking back on her week and considering her want to let loose and maybe be a little wild for the night, she turned to the first option. She was going to have her liquid courage and 75mg edible she was about to take upon getting dressed. Making up her mind, she threw on the first option and sat down to complete her beauty routine; after finishing, she checked the time to see it was 4:30, and the boys would be arriving soon. She checked her work in the mirror; it wasn't anything extravagant: shaped and shaded brows, sharp winged liner, a touch of highlighter, and to pull it together, her cherry chapstick topped with a clear gloss that sparkled as the light bounced off her complete lips. She let her hair hang in its natural wave pattern as it danced delicately atop her collarbones. As she made her way to the living room, she heard Kuroo's knock on her door.

     Anzu yelped as the step ladder she stood on wobbled for the hundredth time. "Rooster! You promised you'd hold this cursed thing still!" She cried as she clutched the handle to try to stabilize herself. The rooster had conned her into hanging the streamers that Kenma had dropped off earlier in the week, arguing that his height wouldn't help because of where they were stringing them in Anzu's complex outside party space. Kenma was back inside putting the finishing touches on the playlist, wanting Anzu to enjoy it because he knew the week she had. They had spent several nights on Facetime as he listened to his puppy luv stress and rant. He knew how hard this transition period was for her, and he wanted to do everything he could to help the girl he loved.

     Out back, Anzu dismounted the step ladder, taking in the handiwork she and the rooster had put in decorating. Fairy lights hung from the pergola lattice as the streamers swayed in the late afternoon summer breeze. Love seats and sofas were positioned in small groups, allowing the perfect places to converse and hang out. Off to the side, two long tables were set up, one lined with snacks and food to munch on and the second lined with place settings for everyone to sit and enjoy a meal together.

     The rooster was the first to speak as they admired their work, "We did that, didn't we?" He said cockily as he put his hand on his hip. Anzu looked at him open-mouthed before she ranted, "We?!? You made me get up on the scary, wobbly ladder to hang everything!! I was scared for my life!" She rattled on, not paying attention to where or what the rooster was doing. See, as soon as Kuroo laid eyes on Anzu when he arrived to help set up; he was in absolute awe of her beauty. He had spent the entire time drinking in her presence as he appreciated how her outfit clung to her and highlighted his favorite physique features. He had conned her into hanging the decorations so he could take his sweet time admiring how her tennis skirt danced as she worked, several times threatening to give away what treasures may hide underneath. Before Anzu could blink, the rooster had her back pressed into the wall as he caged her in with his long, strong arms, his face dangerously close to hers.

     "Come on, pup, don't doubt my ability to save you if you come tumbling down," the rooster rasped into her ear, making fierce eye contact with the stunned girl. Anzu was sure that her brain was short-circuiting as she felt Kuroo's hot breath tickle her ear as her body betrayed her with a shudder. Beginning to feel the edible she had taken before they made their way outside earlier, she matched the bold rooster's energy, coming equally close to the boy. "Maybe I was worried you were too busy catching one of your other hoes?" She retorted sarcastically as she cocked her brow at him. By now, they were mere centimeters from their lips touching, and both parties could feel the tension and desire that hung heavily in the air. "I only have eyes for two people," the rooster crowed smoothly, moving to brush a stray hair from Anzu's face. She gasped as she felt his callused yet tender fingers touch her skin as he pushed her hair.

     Wanting to keep the upper hand in the situation, she used her ample curves to give him a soft hip bump as she gently pushed him away, giggling. "I always knew you'd end up in a throuple," she laughed playfully as she headed back towards the apartment to check on Kenma. What the pair failed to realize was the third person who had been watching from around the corner of the entrance just long enough to see the rooster cage Anzu in and begin speaking quietly and quite close.

     Hinita panicked as he heard Anzu's footsteps toward the entrance to the backyard. He quickly darted back into the first walkway he saw that gave him cover from the pair's sight. He scratched his head, trying to remember whether they were together. They must've been; otherwise, why would they have been in that kind of position in the first place? He made a mental note of it as he finally headed toward Anzu's apartment since he seemed to be the first to arrive.

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