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As Anzu made her way to Kuroo's car, panicked, she replayed the events that had just occurred in her home. Did BOTH of them just openly flirt with her?!? What in the reeces peanut butter FUCK was going on, and who put mercury in the microwave to cause both boys to behave that way! She reached the car and swiftly unlocked it. She got in, waiting for Kuroo to come out and join her for their store trip.

Anzu continued to ponder her feelings about the interaction. Her entire being was on fire, and she could feel every molecule vibrating at its highest speed. She whipped the passenger visor down in one swift motion and opened the mirror, taking in her fire truck red face and staring back at her. Dragging her hands through her hair and down her face, she let out a small screech of frustration at the situation. "For fucks sake!! Why am I so attracted to them!! They're my fucking friends; get it together, Anzu! As if I'd get that fucking lucky", she ranted to her reflection, looking back at her in the small mirror. She sat back in the seat and took another shaky breath, shutting the visor as she thought. Why would they find me attractive or have any romantic feelings about me?

She failed to realize that the Rooster stood on the stairs to her home, listening to her yell at herself through the cracked car window. Kuroo sat on the bottom step. He rested his head in his hands, taking in her words. He felt his heart explode and break at the same time. While he was ecstatic at hearing her true feelings for both boys, he was deeply saddened to hear how poorly she thought of herself. To both boys, she was their entire world, Support system, and partner in crime. Both boys would lay down their lives for her without hesitation. How could she not know this about her role in their lives and how much each boy deeply loved and cared for her? Kuroo felt his heart still racing as he thought about the three of them... Together. Like together, all the love they could share between the three of them, the support they had for one another. The trio had always felt it was them against the world, but none of them knew the depth that sentiment held for each of them. The Rooster stood up after Anzu had been silent for a time and made his way to the car, promising himself he would act oblivious to what he had just heard in case his pup hadn't intended him to.

When he opened the door and got in, Anzu yelped and was startled, looking up at him, "holy shit Batman you scared me!" She said, clutching her chest desperately, wishing her face would return to its standard color. "Sorry pup, it's just me," Kuroo said quickly as he started the car and began to fiddle with the aux to fill the silence that had settled in the car. "It's alright, Roo; I don't know why I'm so on edge today. Graduating and being pushed into adulthood has me lost in the sauce." Anzu offered as she nervously chuckled, seeing the Rooster's worried expression as he looked at her tenderly. She reached over the console, took his free hand in hers, and began to rub circles on the back of it to try and reassure both of them that she was, in fact, ok and not widely in love with the two boys, anxious, depressed, and insanely insecure of herself.

Kuroo looked down lovingly at Anzu and brought both hands up to his face, turning the back of her hand towards his lips, giving it a light peck before placing their hands back comfortably in the middle. He hit play on his driving playlist as he started the car and began the journey to the store, all before the poor girl in his passenger seat could register what he had done. As the duo drove through the neighborhood towards Ukai's store for the small list, Anzu had typed up during the drive. They arrived in a comfortable silence, as the pup's heart had just returned to its normal rhythm.

Ukai greeted the pair as he heard the bell ring, signaling customers; he took the last drag of his cigarette and put it out. "Welcome," he called out, seeing exactly who had come in. "I hope y'all are staying out of trouble this summer," the father figure that all of the volleyball boys in the Kanto region had come to love said. "Always, Mr.Ukai, you know I keep these hooligans in check," Anzu replied, giggling, looking up to Kuroo, who was playfully grabbing at his heart as she had just mortally wounded him. " Come on now, pup, I told you I'd behave!" The Rooster crowed out playfully, winking at the much shorter girl. Anzu could only look at him wide-eyed as her body instantly betrayed her by causing the most horrific blush to appear on her features; she quickly looked away to Ukai, who looked at the two of them with a smug grin. "Oi rooster, don't give the poor girl a heart attack," he scolded the boy, "Y'all get what you need and scoot; last time you were here with Bokuto, it took me the rest of the day to pick up the aftermath y'all left in your wake!" The older man scolded. Anzu grabbed a basket and wrapped her arm with the boy as she replied to Ukai, "Don't worry, I won't let him out of my sight, I promise," she said, giving the old man a salute as she steered them down the aisles directing the boy to grab the items from their list.

The pair made it back to the car and began driving back to Anzu's home, listening to the music from the Rooster's phone. One of Anzu's favorite songs came on at one point, and she began to sing along, making little dance moves as she bopped to the beat. Kuroo kept stealing glances at the pup, having the time of her life, as he wondered what he had done in his past lives to deserve someone as pure and good as Anzu and Kenma with his levelheadedness and damm near unbreakable calm. Both people had every trait he painfully lacked, which drew him to them in the first place; he was beyond blessed that they loved and put up with him as much as they did. He knew he could get out of hand sometimes.

Soon, the Rooster was putting the car in the parking lot back at the apartment and gathering the bags as they headed inside to rejoin Kenma. Kuroo began putting things away in the kitchen as Anzu wandered the living room, looking for the more petite boy. The pie was cooling on the stove, untouched, "He's probably asleep in your room," Kuroo offered quietly, joining you in the living room after finishing putting everything away. Anzu put her hand on her hip, bouncing her leg to help her think, " I'm gonna preheat the over for pizza and warm the pie up if you'll go check on him and see if he wants pie before pizza?" She asked the Rooster. "Bet," Kuroo replied before they went separate ways to divide and conquer. Kuroo quietly opened Anzu's bedroom door, seeing Kenma tangled into her covers, clutching her favorite plushie as he peacefully napped with soft white noise going in the background. The Rooster took this time to admire the sleeping boy's peaceful expression on his face, how his two-toned hair was splayed out across the pillow, his long bun coming out in his sleep. Kuroo felt his heart flutter as his pudding head rustled in his sleep, clutching the plushie closer to him as he mumbled something unintelligible. What am I going to do with you?

Kuroo thought to himself as he closed the distance between him and the sleeping boy. Kenma felt Kuroo's presence next to him as he gently pushed Kenma's hair away from his face. Kenma's eyes fluttered open as he rasped in his deep, sleep-ridden voice, "Roooooooooster, you're home." he reached for the boy's hand, still not fully awake or in charge of his body's actions. Kuroo swore to God his heart fell out of his ass as the more petite boy grabbed his hand and tried to cuddle with it. Fuuuuuuuuuuck why? He thought I love them, as he sat on the bed next to the boy to give him his options. "Hey, pudding head, we're home. Anzu is making pizza and warming pie. Do you wanna come have pie and ice cream before pizza or sleep till pizza?" Kuroo softly asked the sleepy boy while he secretly exploded inside at how cute the whole interaction was. He was happy that they had come home. Did he miss them while they were gone? Did Kenma feel the other two's absence as strongly as he did? Kuroo could only allow these questions to slam around his brain as he waited for Kenma to answer him.

"A pie and ice cream, please; I'll be out in just a minute. I gotta wake up," Kenma replied as he began to untangle himself from the covers and sit next to the Rooster. He felt around the bed, looking for the hair tie that had been secured in his hair before he fell into sleep clutches. Kuroo quickly spotted it when he had come in, picked it up, and held it out to the other boy, " here ya go, pudding head, must've been a wild sleep," Kuroo chuckled as Kenma began to put his hair back up in his signature bun. Once he was done, he yawned and rubbed his eyes. Getting up, he said, " I gotta pee, then I'll come to join everyone," as he made his way to the bathroom in the hall. He sleepily waved to Anzu in the kitchen as he passed. A short time later, the trio was gathered around the old wooden round table, enjoying their dessert while the pizza was cooked.

A Night on Fuji-Kaido DriveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant