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After the journey home, Kenma ran for the bathroom, and they made it to the house. He was finishing up when he heard Anzu's yell. He sprung into action and barreled out of the bathroom, ready to throw hands. However, He needed to prepare for what he found on the other side. Kuroo was clinging to the sofa for dear life, howling and laughing, and poor Anzu was frozen with a pile of blankets on the floor.

If looks could kill, the rooster would've been dead a hundred times over, and Kenma atomized upon eye contact. "Puppy Luv......" he trailed quietly, slowly approaching the stunned girl, picking up the spilled blankets from the floor and setting them on the sofa to check on her. He shot Kuroo some side-eye for taking the joke too far, ending his giggle fit. The more petite boy slowly took the silent girl's hands in his, but not before he told her exactly what he was going to do before he did it. Her hands trembled in his slightly larger ones, " Hey, puddin' head," she said no louder than a mouse with a sad, small smile playing at her lips as she began swinging their hands back and forth. Kenma could hear the rooster join them behind the sofa to check on their girl.   " Pup! I'm so sorry! I didn't think me just sitting there would scare you so bad!! I thought it was just the loud noises that made you panic?" The rooster called out softly as he rounded the couch, keeping a wide berth so she didn't feel crowded. "Hey, can you tell me five things you can see, four you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste?" Kenma quizzed, just like Anzu had taught him to after her first panic episode in front of the two boys.

Anzu rattles off answers to the setter's questions, returning to being fully present when she got to what she could taste, listing her 7/11 snacks as her taste. The trio giggled at the answer, relief washing over the boys that she was okay. Kenma stepped out as Anzu tuned in to address the rooster. " It's okay, Roo; I didn't think it would make my soul exit stage left either!" She giggled as she took more deep breaths to ensure she calmed back down. Kenma watched as the two hugged and made up, and he couldn't help but notice the tiny green-eyed monster that sprouted in his consciousness.

He has had a thing for both of them for quite some time, years at this point. Unbeknownst to him, he and Kuroo shared not only a friend but a love interest and sexuality. He loved spending time with his two friends and their roles in each other's lives. "Alright, that's enough excitement for today," he stated as he made his way to his spot with his favorite blanket he found in the discarded pile on the floor. Kuroo was right behind him as he plopped down on his end, tearing into his snacks, cracking his red Gatorade open, and taking a drink. "Puddin, I know you've got your Mario Kart blanket, but do you wanna share one with us too?" The puppy dog friend questioned. He had to stop the blush rising to his cheeks as he heard his pet name used by her; he heard Kuroo snicker as he turned to look at her, shooting him even more side eyes in transit. The rooster feigned hurt and giggled as Kenma locked eyes with the female part of their group, " I'd like to share too, please!" he stated shyly, not wanting to be called out on it. " Sweet Puddin Pop!" she exclaimed happily. "I love cuddling with y'all while we watch TV!" She clapped her hands together in preparation and grabbed her favorite blanket. It was a king-size, jersey knit comforter in her signature cerulean blue. Kenma grunted as the sofa shifted from Anzu, throwing her body down with the giant blanket.

Everyone settled into the comforter as they chose what to watch, "I am NOT watching Attack on Titans for the millionth time, pup" " Roo replied to Anzu's suggestion for AOT. "But why not....." she whined back, turning to plead for Kenma's support since there was a matching game. "Don't give me the eyes 'Zu. The graphics were shit", he replied quickly while throwing his hands up in defeat, because Kuroo was the most outgoing of the trio he was responsible for their nicknames. Kenma earned his their freshman year after he bleached his hair and his roots started coming in. Kuroo insisted on calling him puddin because his hair reminded the rooster of, you guessed it, a chocolate and vanilla pudding cup. Anzu earned hers about halfway into their first volleyball season altogether. Kuroo coined it during a practice match when her score keeping skills were called to question by the visiting school, Nohebi. Who was notorious for cheating back in the day. As they recalled the day's events after they ended, her face was described as that of a hurt puppy dog, earning her pup from Kuroo and puppy luv from Kenma. However, Anzu was the one who gifted Kuroo with his shortly after in homage to the blocker's never-ending and seemingly untamable bedhead, The Rooster or Roo, depending on the mood.

" I don't care what we watch as long as it's interesting," he added as the other, too, looked at him expectantly for a suggestion. "It's my turn to pick anyway! I wanna watch Fire Force!" the rooster called out before opening up CrunchyRoll to find the anime. He turned to look expectantly at the others, waiting for their approval. "Sounds good to me, me too!" They replied, one after the other. "Sick! I think y'all will like it, and hot dudes are in it!" Kuroo replied, not realizing that he said the last part out loud. That sentence made Kenma nearly choke on his plain Red Bull, "And why are you so excited about the hot guys? Hmmm?...?" He teasingly questioned his childhood best friend, wiggling his brows suggestively.

He had always had a sneaking suspicion that his friend was at least bi like him and Anzu. Gender wasn't a limitation to her. If she felt it and so did they, they'd figure the rest out as she explained it to them in the first few months of their friendship when the boys had seen her checking out upperclassmen girls in the cafe on lunch that day.

Kuroo looked like he wanted to curl up and die right about then as he frantically racked his brain for an out, " Oh no reason, I know pup is more willing to watch new shit if it's got hot people in it," he replied quickly. It would've been believable had he not immediately started busting sweat upon hearing Kenma's question. He nodded in agreement, not wanting to embarrass further the rooster, who was looking dangerously red. And with that, Kuroo clicked the first episode to play as Kenma and Anzu opened their snacks and hunkered down, everyone entangling themselves like they always did.

"I love you guys, "Kenma heard from his right as she plopped her head onto his shoulder and settled in for the series ahead of them. He would spend every day like this if it meant he never had to leave them. His heart couldn't take that.

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