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A single tear slipped down Anzu's cheek as she walked towards the coffee shop to meet Akaashi. "At least I'll have plenty to talk about" she thought harshly as she let out a sharp chuckle. Anzu slipped her headphones in to distract her racing thoughts as she trudged onwards.
Akaashi caught sight of Anzu before she could find him. He immediatly took in her troubled aura as she almost stomped through the cafe doors and began whipping her head around to spot the pretty setter, who was tucked away in a quiet corner. He stuck his hand up in a pleasant wave to draw her over, Anzu immediatly spotted him and felt a wave of relief wash over her. Akaashi tended to have that affect on people, always being an ocean of calm for others to swim to when in need. Anzu did her best to fix her demeanor before she reached the table, though she knew it would do little good agaisnt Akaashi's keen senses that were ever sharp thanks to handling Bokuto. "There's my favorite pretty setter!" Anzu called out as she embraced Akaashi in a warm hug causing him to uncontrolably smile. The pair sat down as they finished ordering their drinks, soon settling back down into their quiet corner of the bustling cafe.
" So what's been going on in your corner of the world?" Akaashi questioned as he took the first sip of his drink, carefully setting it down awaiting her answer. His mind was swirling with questions after his most recent conversation with Suga, Bo, and Hinata, Akaashi hoped he could gain some insight into Anzu's thoughts with their meeting. He didn't want to outright ask about her relationship with the two Nekoma players for fear of upsetting the poor girl, who already looked like she was struggling thanks to her entrance into the cafe earlier. Akaashi cared deeply for Anzu, granted it wasn't in the same way as the Nekoma boys, but he cared for her more like a sister. Always willingly stepping into the big brotherly roll in Anzu's life, lending her his ear whenever she needed it. He could feel his spirts lift as Anzu took a deep breath in before deeply exhaling, " Holy shit Bathman, have I got some shit to tell you about", Anzu said as she sipped her drink preparing to spill her inner brain rot from the past few weeks.
    Anzu could feel the nerves leave her body as she spilled everything to Akaashi, from her conflicting feelings for both Kenma and Kuroo, the change in the boys behavior, and to finish it all off the argument between her and Kenma that had just transpired before she arrived. The pretty setter could do nothing but sit back and take in everything that Anzu was spewing out at him, doing his best to keep track of everything as she rattled on. As Anzu came to the end of her ramble she picked up her cup to take the final sip of her drink, causing Akaashi to do the same. " Wow ZuZu, you've had a lot going on", Akaashi managed to get out in a slight shock as he was still trying to process everything he had just heard. All Anzu could do was throw her head in her hands as she let out a loud groan. " Akaaaaashi! Please I need your help to make sense of all this! I've spent everyday since the party thinking in circles about those two and then today that stupid fucking Puddin...." Anzu stopped as she felt Akaashi take her hand in his as fat tears made their way down her features. This was it. Anzu had hit her breaking point, she could no longer continue like this. Her thoughts and feelings were going to eat her alive if she didn't make some kind of peace and sense of them. Anzu knew this point would come, she just hoped it wouldn't have been in the middle of a cafe with someone who she looked to as her big bother.
    Akaashi began rubbing patterns across Anzu's hands to keep her calm as they continued to talk. " Anzu, baby bird, we will figure this out. You know I'm always here to be your sounding board" Akaashi gently said as he continued to help calm the girl in front of him. He smiled to himself as he began to see Anzu physically relax after hearing his words. "Thank you Keji, I think the first place I have to start with is my feelings for Kenma and Kuroo, and the fact that I'm equally in love with both of them" Anzu stated as her eyes widened at the last part of her statement. Akaashi chuckled "Well to me it sounds like you already know how you feel about them, you're just scared by the fact that you're clearly poly" he said as he sat back crossing his arms in his lap. "Goddamn he's got a point" Anzu thought to herself as she turned the thought over in her mind. "But what if they aren't or don't want to be in a poly relationship?" Anzu countered the Fukurodani setter. "Then they have some soul searching to do because if you ask anyone we know all three of you are head over heels for each other" Akaashi said with an absolute certainty that rocked Anzu to the core.
    Before the pair knew it the sun began to set through the windows of the cafe as the pair continued to sort through Anzu's crisis bit by bit. Their conversation being broken by Anzu's phone going off, signalling a message. Anzu audibly groaned as she reached for it, " Hopefully it isn't Kenma, I can't deal with that yet" Anzu said as she braced herself to see who had sent the message. Akaashi cocked a brow waiting for the outcome as Anzu relaxed back into her seat, "It's just Kuroo saying he's almost done at the rec center, asking what's for dinner. What a fat ass!" Anzu said with a giggle as she set her phone back down, giving her attention back to the setter in front of her. "Well Zu, I think you have an idea of where to start for now. Why don't we head outta here, sounds like you got someone waiting for you" Akaashi teased with a wink causing a blush to spread aceoss Anzu's face. " Yeah, Yeah I understand Kashi! I gotta make words and shit first, you know it drives me crazy when you're right?" Anzu teased as the pair began to make their way out to journey home.
    Before Anzu knew it the familar scenery of Fuji-Kaido drive came into view as the sun sank below the horizion causing the street lamps to flicker on. Akaashi turned to Anzu as he came to a stop at her street, "Start small Zu, just talk to Kuroo. Cook yall some dinner and sit down and talk. You don't even have to tell him how you feel, just talk about what happened with Kenma. Let him help you how you know he can" the setter said as he gave her hands a reassuring squeeze. " I'll try Keji, I promise. I don't want to be upset at Puddin anymore, it was a stupid argument, I know he didn't mean anything by it. Thank you for always listening big brother" Anzu said as she smiled up at the pretty setter. Akasshi couldn't help but wrap the scared, anxious, little girl who stood before him up in a hug. " I'm always in your corner little sister, don't you forget that. Bo and I will lay them out if they so much as step out of line", Akaashi said loveingly, chuckling at the last part to lighten the mood. " Go get your men, and shoot me a text if you need anything!" Akaashi called out as he made his way back toward his own home. Anzu drew in a deep breath as she began the final leg of her journey home, determined to fix her standing with Kenma before the night's end.

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