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Yesterday couldn't of gone any better. Luca's proper buzzing now he's popped the question. Not much of an expressive person with his face, often a bit of a stone wall, professional frowner and yet I've never seen him smile as much as he has been the past twenty four hours.

Val, who is the embodiment of sunshine, hasn't stopped smiling either. Think her smiles grown even bigger which I didn't think was possible considering I don't think I've seen her frown a day in her life.

Really love it though. Happy for them. My oldest friends. Luca, who's like my big brother. And Valentina who's sort of like my honorary mum and big sister. If anyone deserves a lifetime of happiness, it's those two.

Sage is so excited for them. Her and Valentina have started planning the wedding already. Last night Val dragged out her wedding book that had a very detailed plan of the big day. She said she started making it after her and Luca's first date as she knew they'd be together for the long run. Quite cute actually.

"Morning." I stroll into the kitchen to see my girlfriend and Valentina sat at the kitchen table discussing wedding related things.

"Hi babe." Sage smiles quickly before returning her eyes to the book in front of her.

"Hey Wes." Valentina doesn't even grace me with a look up.

"Wedding planning?" I ask walking over to the girls. Lean down and kiss Sage on the top of her head, gently squeezing her shoulder.

"Yes and it's incredibly stressful!" Valentina sighs.

"Have you even set a wedding date yet?" I sniff a laugh, walking to the counter to make myself a coffee.

"Not officially but I'm leaning towards June next year if we get married in England. However I think both Luca and I want to get married in Italy. So if that's the case this time next year works."

"You'd get married before New Year's Eve?" I ask leaning against the counter as the coffee machine does its thing.

She nods.

"It would be cute to get married around the time he proposed." She shrugs.

"It would!" Sage gushes, hands on her cheeks. She smiles contently as she look back at the wedding book on the table.

"Speaking of, where is he?" Valentina questions.

I shrug. Haven't seen him since last night.

"He's not in your room?" I raise an eyebrow.

The minute she shakes her head no he walks in. Massive bouquet of flowers in his hand. Not sure what they are but they're pretty. Red.

"For you." He says all charmingly. He can be a charismatic little fucker sometimes.

Valentina gasps. Grinning from ear to ear how she has been since yesterday. She pushes the chair back, walking to him and wrapping her arms around him.

Gives him a big kiss and then takes the flowers and stares at them. Looks a little starstruck as she does.

"These are beautiful amore!"

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