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"Don't think I've been this hungry in my life." Trey whines holding his stomach as we walk into Luca's house.

"Nice Porsche." I nod my chin at Luca's car as I pass by it to walk inside the house.

"Thanks." Luca replies.

"Hey, Kane. Is it possible for me to die from hunger?" Trey asks, dramatically leaning against the wall.

"Get off my wall!" Luca snaps pulling him off and shoving him forward towards the kitchen.

"Technically yes, but you don't die because you're hungry you die because you're malnourished and haven't had any food in your system." Kane recites like the human dictionary he is. The child genius is what we call him. Smartest man in every room. Extreme know it all, my brother. Educated in so many other topics aside from what he studied in university.

Trey groans again, as he enters the kitchen and immediately flops onto the counter. Holding his stomach.

"Trey, off my counters!" Valentina says smacking his arm. She's very serious about her kitchen. She cooks and bakes a lot. Cooks for all of us all the time. We even have special Sunday dinners over here where she cooks a whole feast. The one rule she has is no one goes into her kitchen without her say so.

Luca being the scary, black clothes wearing gang member he is, assures we all abide by it. When it comes to Valentina he doesn't play around.

The two met at one of my mum and dads friends events. It was some art exhibition that showed her work. He was twenty three she was twenty. He fell for her instantly. Me and the boys were surprised. He's so strict with rules and barely smiles. And Valentina is a little ray of sunshine that never stops smiling and likes to not follow a routine. Unlikely pair but they just work. They fit together perfectly actually.

Never seen Luca as happy as he is with her. And I've known him since I was sixteen. His parents are international partners of my family's business. So are Treys. Known him since I've been sixteen too. The four of us, Kane, Luca, Trey and I, have been friends since we were teenagers. We're closer than ever. A tight knit group. Would die for each other without hesitation. They're family to me and Kane.

"I can't! I'm dying from malnutrition." Trey complains. He's the joker of the group. Well he thinks he is. Always trying to be mr funny guy. When he's not cracking jokes he's eating. Or taking pictures. You'd never think he was in a gang. Seems super chill but is quite the opposite when it comes to business.

"Off!" Luca snaps in his commanding voice which Trey instantly listens to. He jumps up from the counter, leans against the kitchen island.

"Thank you." Valentina grins up at Luca. He smiles down at her, gently kissing the side of her head as he pulls her into a side hug.

"Can you cook us something Vee? We're starving." I ask nicely, shooting her a big wide smile. Bating my eyelashes.

"Already on it." She winks walking over to the oven. Opens it and pulls out a tray filled with garlic bread. Closes it and then walks to the stove to stir her Alfredo pasta. She makes a mean pasta.

"Luca. You're a lucky man." I pat Luca on the shoulder. He cracks a smile.

"Go sit." Valentina instructs. We do as we're told, filing into the dining room to sit down.

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