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"I'm so rooting for you two!" Jada grins as we walk into pret for lunch.

"I told you you'd have fun on that date and the rest would be history!" She grabs a sandwich and I reach over her head to grab a tuna baguette on the top shelf.

"Yeah you did." I subtly smile as I grab a packet of crips and a bottle of Coke, walking towards the till.

"So, has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" She questions as she follows behind me with her own packet of crips and drink. Hers is a sprite instead because she hates coke for some weird reason.

"No, but he has asked me to go to Italy with him and his friends." I thank the cashier as she hands me back my items with a smile.

"A baecation already? I'm jealous!" Jada sighs handing her items to the cashier as she looks back over at me, waiting for them to be scanned.

I giggle softly. "Not sure if I'm going to go though."

"Why the fuck not?" Jada instantly replies, double tapping her phone so her card pops up and then tapping it onto the card machine. She thanks the cashier and then moves over to me.

"Because we've known each other for a month." We walk out of Pret on our way back to Oxford to sit in the courtyard and eat. It's a nice sunny day and we need some air.

"And? Love at first sight exists." Jada states. She's right though. It does. Well I believe in it at least. And I'm not saying I'm in love with Wes or anything because it's way too early. But there's definitely a strong connection there that's been formed in such a short amount of time. We both feel it. Kind of hard not to.

I shrug as we take a seat on the bench we always sit at that's directly opposite the fountain.

"I think you should go. It'll be fun." Jada takes a bite of her chicken sandwich, wiping the speck of mayo on the corner of her mouth.

I squint over at her because of the sun. Weirdly warm weather for October but then again, when has England's weather ever been conventional.

"Yeah maybe." My voice trails off as I think about it. The only big issue in this is my brother. I can't foresee him actually being okay with me going. Not that I even need his approval seeing as I'm grown. Still don't fancy getting into an argument because of it. Maybe I can convince Ray to come with? Definitely can't let him know why we're going. That would just be something he'd use to prove his point of Wes being dangerous.

"Lunch isn't long enough, why do we already have to go back soon." Jada groans looking at her phone.

"Honestly! I need a break from learning about community based medicines." I huff

"Such a boring unit. I'm excited to get into the brain and behaviour unit." She grins.

"Me too! It sounds so fun. I just wish we'd hurry up and get to it." I sip my coke.

"You and me both! I miss year three placements. It was nice to actually experience what we're studying. Reminded me of why I chose to study medicine in the first place. It was so fun to be involved and actually do things." Jada let's out a sigh that sounds like she's reminiscing.

"Funnest four weeks ever! I actually loved it. Re-discovered my love for medicine." I laugh softly. Although it did that, it didn't remind me of why I chose to study medicine. I don't need reminding. I'll never forget why. I do this for my parents. Because I want to help others and save lives to in a way make up for the fact that my parents lost theirs.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang