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Christmas Day at the Hartley's is something else.

Grandma comes over, pretends to not be absolutely disappointed in dad and his life choices, dad pretends to not see her disappointment whilst avoiding speaking about grandad all together.

Dad is his usual arsehole self. Barely speaks, barely acknowledges anyone. Slips out as soon as he's finished eating to have a drink and cigar in his office.

Mums parents come over too. They hate dad. Hate how he treats mum, hate how he treats us. They know all about his lifestyle, what mums in by accessory, hate it.

Her parents try and not fight with dad, try and remain civil with my grandma on dad's side and it's all a bit tense and shit because no one wants to speak their minds.

Mum has a brother called Ed, he's three years older than her. He comes over with his wife Rebecca. Uncle Ed hates my dad's guts and dad returns the favour. Often have come to blows a few times not only because of their hatred but because of the way dad treats Kane and I. There's been many times uncle Ed has stood up for us when we were younger.

So the atmosphere at Christmas is shit.

Mums always extra tense on the day, how she is now.

It's midday, just a few minutes past twelve and mums in the kitchen, blonde hair tied back into a disheveled bun, reading glasses on along with her apron. She's hovering over the counter reading her cookbook.

One of the only things she's good at cooking is a roast. Makes a mean roast, but every year she tries to outdo herself. Add in extra ingredients to spice it up, try and cook it a new way. Hence the cookbook.

Her eyebrows are knitted as she reads the book, shoulders up and on the defence, fingers tapping on the counter in an anxious rhythm.

I've often asked why she doesn't just get the cook they have here to make the Christmas dinners. She always answers back the same way. Saying this is one thing she wants to actually have control over. How she doesn't do much day to day and she hates that so she wants to at least do this.

"Need some help?" I question as I walk closer to mum, peer over her shoulder at the cookbook that's currently on the page labelled, how to make the best stuffing.

She jumps a little, startled to see me stood next to her but smiles instantly when she does see me.

"Oh Wes, you scared me." She laughs hand on her heart.

"No darling I'm fine." She dismisses, looking back at her cookbook.

I nod in response. Lean against the counter as I'm stood next to her.

"Not even to peel potatoes? I can do that, Kane's setting the table." I shrug. Mum likes us to get to hers early so we can help with the day. Setting the table and other things seeing as dad's locked away in his office doing god knows what, only making his appearance when the guests arrive, barely able to muster up a pleasant smile.

She smiles at me in a relived sort of way.

"That would actually be a lot of help, yes please love." She sighs.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ