1- An unwanted baby

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This story is COMPLETE and will be published daily

ATTENTION: The story is for all audiences, but this chapter mentions forced pregnancy and trauma.


August 7, 1980

The rain fell heavily on the stony ground, forming large puddles. Severus Snape made his way, hood pulled down to his eyebrows, not caring about the violence of the storm around him.

Normally, he wouldn't have bothered to arrive so soon, but Lucius Malfoy's message seemed really desperate.

Severus suspected he knew what the distressed call was about, and he hoped with all his might that he was wrong.

Lucius himself opened the door of the Manor, completely contrary to what would be his custom, and before Severus could say anything, he dragged him into the hall.

"Severus! Thanks to Merlin. Hurry up, follow me."

"What happened, Lucius?"

"It's Narcissa. She has..." Lucius couldn't continue and had to close his eyes and clear his throat to find his voice. "She is back. He took her away. She is still unconscious-"

"Do you mean that she has been returned?"

"She showed up a few minutes before I called you. She doesn't wake up, Severus, you must do something. I don't know what he did to her."

Severus did not insist any further, and bracing himself for the worst, he followed his friend in a hurry to the master bedroom. There, on the gigantic white and gold bed, Narcissa lay, pale and motionless. When he touched her, Severus found that her skin was burning, and she was covered in sticky sweat.

"Does she have any injuries? Wounds?"


"Have you looked well at her? Did you check... down there?"

"Merlin, Severus!"

But Severus faced his friend, boring into him with his dark eyes.

"You know very well why the Dark Lord has taken her. For the same reason for which we were summoned. It should not be ruled out that–"

"Do not say it. Please don't say it," Lucius closed his eyes tightly, his face wrinkled in a gesture of anguish. When he opened them, his glassy gaze fixed on his friend, pleadingly. "Can you...? Can you run a checkup? Please..."

Severus sighed, but took out his wand, and set about checking Narcissa's condition. He muttered several incantations as he waved his wand over the woman. After several minutes, he lowered his arm.

"She is intact, she has not been hurt. That doesn't matter though," he added.

"Do you mean that–?"

"She is pregnant."

"But how?"

"Through a spell. It is an extreme method to ensure conception, but very effective."

"But she... Severus, it can't be true," Lucius rubbed his hands. "She just gave birth. The healers forbade us from trying to have more children before a year had passed. She can't... she shouln't get pregnant so soon."

"My spell does not lie, conception has taken place."

Lucius walked over to the bed and took his wife's hand. Narcissa still hadn't woken up, and the color of her skin was withered and lifeless.

Blood of my blood (Severus Snape & daughter)Where stories live. Discover now