Chapter 20

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Scarlett was so happy to hear the news that Jana was going back to where she came from, so she called her mother up saying,

"Mom, guess what?"

Andrea sighed replying,

"What Scarlett?"

Scarlett giggled with jittery responding,

"Jana is going back to Kansas with those kids of hers. I have won Angel over even by making her Annabel."

Andrea just sighed again replying,

"Good to hear baby girl."

Scarlett felt frustrated that her mother didn't feel the same excitement as she responded,

"Are you happy mom? I got Angel just like I wanted many years ago."

Andrea let out a frustrated sigh replying,

"No, I'm not happy with you Scarlett. You have taken a young woman's identity and changed her into something she's not also forced her to be with you when she was already in love with another woman. This will now follow me to my grave because you destroyed Angel of the nice woman she was."

Scarlett wanted to hang up on her mother but she couldn't so she replied,

"Mom, it is my choice of life on how I deal with Angel and she is Annabel always will be. I see no point in keeping her as Angel when all she complain about is wanting to be with Jana and Jana isn't worth it for her."

Andrea just took a deep breath responding,

"Scarlett, I will never understand why you are this way but you are it is your life not mine."

Scarlett laughed as Annabel came in from work replying to her mom,

"Sorry mom, gotta go Annabel just came home and I have to get ready for work I'll call tomorrow, love you bunches."

Scarlett hung up as she placed her phone down then ran over to Annabel giving her a big hug and kiss saying,

"Welcome home my love, how was work today?"

Annabel shook her head no replying,

"It wasn't easy today and I'm very sore everywhere, I'm going to get a bath to relax for the evening."

Scarlett smacked her ass responding,

"Go ahead babe, I have to get out the door again before work calls to make it in for some meeting, I'm not sure when I'll be home."

Annabel kissed Scarlett then headed to the shower as she replied,

"Have a great evening at work because I'm probably going to crash once I get out of the bath."

Scarlett nodded then got herself dressed in a work suit that was blue and came with a skirt also wore a blue bow around her neck and a white undershirt. Scarlett called out to Annabel saying,

"I am leaving, love you baby and get some good rest, I will see you in the morning."

Angel shouted back,

"Alright babe, love you too!"

Scarlett left with a weight on her shoulder knowing she will most likely have to have sex with Jerry Huffington at Murphy Business & Financial Corporation she hated when he called late at night just for it but she had to keep her job.

Scarlett had arrived at her job in a hour within that time Jerry was five feet ten inches,two hundred forty pounds,dirty blonde hair,hair cut neatly with gel,white skin, and green eyes. Jerry waved Scarlett over saying,

Annabel's Fate Fate Of Her Path Series: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now