Chapter 12

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As time went on memories of Angel faded as Annabel came about more and more personally through the next year or two. Annabel had never felt so different but she loved her wife Scarlett that meant everything to her, even though she always had these weird dreams about Angel Knight and Jana Johnson.

Angel Knight is a beautiful blonde that is in love with a woman name Jana Johnson who she saved from men that were out to torment her and it took Jana a year to know who she was. Jana and Angel agreed to have kids then make deep passionate love soon after. Jana was a gorgeous brunette with the sincere of love. Angel felt like Jana was the whole world and they were meant to be with each other. Angel had the best years with Jana until she was gone from her.

Annabel woke up in sweat and breathing profusely as she shook her head from the mysterious memory of being Angel Knight and some woman named Jana Johnson was her partner for life. Though Scarlett has been with her for over three years now and they have the perfect love.

Scarlett used to beat Annabel for unknown reasons she couldn't recall but she knew she was Annabel Ann Thomas and her lovely wife is Scarlett Myra Thomas. Scarlett was very beautiful in every way with black short wavy hair,blue eyes,heavy set weighing 210,height at 5'7" and always had to wear corsets to look special even though they didn't work around her body to well and she always tried on tight jeans.

Annabel knew Scarlett was beautiful but her clothing style had always been distasteful. Annabel had tried to encourage her wife to wear something more suitable with her body but she disagreed with the choices for a big woman.

Annabel had such a wonderful job working with Shauna Meigs at the Midnight Cafe but she's had to keep update her applications because her and Scarlett kept moving though she hasn't figured out why they keep moving from one apartment to another.

Shauna pulled Annabel to the side one evening saying,

"Annabel you look familiar to me but I can't pinpoint as to who you are? Are you sure, you have lived in these parts before?"

Annabel smiled at her boss replying,

"Shauna, I have been here for many years, I haven't moved at all."

Shauna shrugged then guided Annabel back to where she was with customers as she spoke to other customers about her it seemed.

Annabel finished her job in no time flat as she saw Scarlett pull up though Scarlett never came inside to greet her, she placed her apron on the rack in the back as her cell phone went off as she read the text it said,

"Babe, you need to hurry up, I have a meeting in twenty-minutes and I need to get you home to rest before dinner."

Annabel rolled her eyes as it was the same routine daily but she never argued with her wife. Annabel always kept memories of her wedding day to Scarlett in the back of her mind it was always such a sweet one even though it was more of a Gothic,Wicca wedding that subtle them both.

Scarlett had taught Annabel the ways of Wicca since they got together and they do rituals every time the moon is out in full. They would special prayers for those that have gone for life to soon or something involving candle light, Annabel never kept vague memory of what goes on it always seems clueless to her.

On the drive home from the cafe shop Annabel had a feeling that Scarlett was going to bring up moving again if she even mentioned the fact that Shauna has a suspicion of who she is though she has no clue who she is and why everyone assumes she's someone else.

Scarlett cleared her throat making Annabel startled by saying,

"Annabel, are you even listening to me?"

Annabel's Fate Fate Of Her Path Series: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now