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Eacloron (Landor region)

Landor region main military base

"Why are there tremors coming from the Akal region?"

"We just need to wait for Ryll and Eeila to report their findings.What th!"Velor pointed at the sky at what appears to be a flying mountain peak.

The mountain peak gets closer to the base causing everyone to panic.

"Wait!That is Eeila!She is carrying a mountain peak with her bare hands!"Julia exclaimed

"Just how strong is that woman!"Jamie exclaimed

Eeila set the mountain peak right next to the military base.The hostages soon got off the mountain peak.

"Uhmm....Eeila I don't think I like a mountain peak right next to my military base."Clet pointing at the mountain peak next to the military base.

Eeila immediately flew to the mountain peak and threw it to orbit.

"....................."General Clet replied

"Ryll and Eeila.Where did you find all these survivors?"Velor walked forward.

"We have a lot to discuss."Ryll replied

"Let's not discuss here.Let's discuss it in the general office.Who knows who is listening."Julia recommended

"Sure."Eeila replied

General Celt Office

"Eeila, damn you are strong.Able to throw a mountain peak with such ease."Velor said

"Where did you find the survivors?"Clet asked

"In a hideout.Where people are. captured for their lifespan to be drained for an insane maniac delusion for immortality."Eeila explained but left out the name of the person.

"An insane maniac?"Clet clarified

"What about the tremors we felt coming from the Akal region?"Daria asked

"The insane maniac equipped himself with the gear of demon captain thus extreme force is used to put him down."Ryll explained

"Demon captain gear?"Jamie asked

"There is a demon captain gear in the Akal region which I found using my harp.Thus it is decided the demon gear to prevent it from getting used.However when me and Ryll are about to destroy it a terrible scream distracted us which allowed the insane maniac to equipped himself with demon gear thus a fight ensued."Eeila explained

"Throughout the fight I managed to find information about his hideout through interrogations.Which led to us saving the survivors from a terrible fate."Ryll explained

"Then do you know the name of the insane maniac?"Lily asked

"No."Ryll and Eeila lied

"Noted."Clet replied

"So do we get dwarves to fight for us?"Eeila quickly changed the subject

"The dwarves are easy to convince.In fact they are demanding the offensive to reclaim their homeland to be launched now."Clet said

"Speaking of the dwarves.While you two are away scouting the area for 2 weeks the dwarves have built for us some very complex underground bunkers for us free of charge."Jamie said

"Wow.The dwarves built underground bunkers for the military for free."Ryll commented

"So anything else you two want to report?"Clet asked

"Yes.The enemies are held up in underground cities built by the dwarves in the Akal region.There are dragons.The dragons are located near hordes of treasures."Ryll report

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