The past affects the present

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Eacloron (Temporary gathering point)

Field commander Myers along with his soldiers and the hero Velor stood in shock at what happened. They just witnessed something that can be classified as divine fury.

"My that what we are supposed to Ryll and the girl he is with this powerful?"Myers asked

"I have seen Ryll and Eeila power first hand but I have never seen them unleash this much power.I think I am going to have nightmares of the power being displayed by those 2 broken beings."Velor stated

"Same."Myers replied

The soldiers are silent after the display of powers with many of them can be seen praying to the gods for forgiveness.


A thunderous sonic boom heralded the arrival of Ryll and Eeila.

The remaining soldiers seeing Ryll and Eeila immediately went on their knees to beg for mercy.

"Please spare me!I was consumed by rage please don't kill me!"

"Please don't kill me!I joined the army because I need to feed my family back home please don't kill me!"

"Please spare me!Please just let me live!I don't want to die!My
promotion is just a few days away!"

Field commander Myers walked towards the 2 hovering beings and spoke

"Well you won devil. My troops have no weapons left as they lost it during the escape from the former Larron woods that you and your whore destroyed.What are you waiting for devil why aren't you finishing the job?Just kill me and my remaining troops here to be done with it.Do you want me to go down on my knees to beg?No I won't give you that satisfaction.

Let it be known to you that I field commander Myers won't humiliate myself before anyone I would rather die with honor then live with humiliation."

"I did not say that I want to humiliate you nor do I want to lay waste to your troops here."Ryll said

" you devil have finally grown some conscience.This is truly a strange day as I have never expected a devil to gain conscience.Considering that you the devil started this by burning my troops at the base."Myers laughed

"I am not a devil.I did not burn your troops at the base that was not me.Considering that during the death of your troops at the base the princess was talking to me trying to get me to spare all of your lives."Ryll said

"You must have used your demonic magic to corrupt the princess to do your bidding!"Myers accused Ryll

"Oh please I don't have magic flowing in my veins I truly don't.Tell you what you can get a mage to scan my body for any trace of magic.I guarantee you that no magic will be found."Ryll stated

"So sure are you.Then take this mana measurement crystal.If you have no magic then the crystal should remain blue."Myers took out a mana measurement crystal that is blue in colour and threw it to Ryll.

Ryll caught the crystal and the crystal remained blue indicating he has no mana and thus no magical abilities.

"Impossible!How can you have so much power without any magical capabilities!This must be a trick!You must have used your magic to cast an illusion spell on me!I demand you to lift the illusion spell from me now!Let me tell you something devil!Placing an illusion spell on military personnel is punishable by an offence of 20 years in prison!"Myers stated

"I am not putting any illusion spell on you Myers.You are overthinking about it.Let me tell you something my powers are not based on magic."Ryll left out what he is powered by on purpose.

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