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Hey, um... ArghThisDoesntWork here.

"Colors of the sea" was never meant to be a story this huge. But here we are. It's officially over. Well, not really, but the first book is over. Wow, I never thought I would say that.

This was my first ever Wattpad story and I'm so happy with how it's come out. It's not perfect and I know there are many mistakes, but I love it, with all it's little flaws (that I'll work on erasing in the future).

I am so grateful for all the love and support this has gotten, you guys have kept me going through really hard times and I love reading all your comments and working on a continous project like this over long periods of time.

This is definetly not my best work and not my most supported one either, but it holds my heart, because my passion for it still burns and will keep on burning, unlike with some other projects of mine, sinply because I know it's not perfect, it never will be and therefore, I can continue writing, because I know it won't matter if what I produce isn't high quality or the best of what I could achieve.

Thank you so, so much for reading "Colors of the sea". You have no idea how happy it makes me.

Thank you for sticking with me throughout this entire journey and showing your support, no matter how terrible I was.

I hope you are looking forward to book two as much as I am and it'll bring you even more joy than this one did.

Colors of the Sea  (A DNF Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant