Chapter 36: Batman

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The sun had set a few hours ago. Chris was ready to set his plan into action. It was a bit later than he would have wanted it to be, since he had to search for the lamp remote first, but now he was ready. He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

What I'm doing is the right thing... right?


I can't think about that now. It must be.

... It's not too late to stop this and go back to bed!

When Chris looked over his shoulder into his dark room, he saw the moonlight shining on his old diary. Before he could think about why this was even here, his eyes fell on the cover. Batman was printed on it.

He remembered what a huge fan of Batman he had used to be and how he had always wished to be like him one day... and how his grandmother had always told him that'd be impossible. He would never get the chance to be a hero and even if he did he'd back out last minute.

No. Today is the day I can prove her wrong. The day I can finally be helpful. This is the right choice. They need help and I'll help them.

Chris turned the lamp on. No turning back now. Oh my god, this is way different than what I expected saving missions to be like...

Now it was time for the swing. Chris wasn't a great athlete, but he managed to hit the security camera with his weapon with the third try. Hopefully they didn't see anything on the video it made...

Then he hurried over to the tanks...
and realized his problem. He couldn't catch them. Not with a net, because then he couldn't free them fast since they'd probably get tangled up again. But also not with his bare hands.

Carefully, Chris turned the flashlight of his phone on and glanced into the tank.

It was empty.

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