Chapter 33: Equal

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TW: Captivity, mentions of war and death?, Cursing


After being returned by the humans, Dream felt a bit more relaxed. That gave his brain the oppurtunity to try to piece all of this together.

My necklace is glowing.

How the heck is that possible?! She's dead! She... she can't be calling me... right? But then who else is? Only her and I have this kind of connection.

Maybe someone else took it when she died. But they told me it was buried with her...

However, if it's glowing, whoever has it is in trouble. Or doesn't know about the message.

It has never glowed before though... Could it be broken? But magic can't break, right? There seems to be only one way to find out...

"We need to escape."
George looked at Dream as if he was stupid. "Duh, what else? Took you long enough to figure out!"

"No, I mean... We need to try harder. Escape as fast as we can." Georges eyebrows twitched. "What do you mean? Do you think I enjoy being here? Do you think I want to stay here any longer?" "No... I..." Dream took a deep breath. "I think there's something wrong at home."

Now that I think about it... I'm a prince. Even though dad hates me, I'm still his heir. On the other side, he always wanted me gone, ever since... anyway. Maybe he's glad I'm gone? But who else could he find as heir, since he thinks of anyone below him as unworthy?

"Dream... you're always so deep in thought..." The siren turned around to see George swimming behind him, eyes big and full of worry. "I know you probably don't want to tell me, but as your friend it's my duty to make sure you're okay, so I'll ask anyways. What are you hiding from me?"

Dream was taken aback by his question. "W-what do you mean? I'm just worried about home... and about us." "You're lying." Shit, how do I convince him that I'm not? I don't want to lie to him... But I can't tell him the truth either...

George sighed. "I understand if you don't want to tell me. But I think if we want to escape together, it's important that we can trust eachother. And... that's just hard if you don't want to talk with me about things. I can help, you know? And if you tell me about whatever is bothering you I can make sure to avoid setting off panic attacks in you.

I just want you to feel safe around me, Dream. I want to be someone you trust, someone you can open up to. I know I'm a merman and it's probably hard for you to just open up to me. I wish I could give you some time, but since you want to escape so badly...

I just don't think it'll work out if we can't trust eachother. I know about the war, I know it isn't easy, I know we can't just pretend everything is okay. But let's just... see eachother as Dream and George, alright? Not as siren and merman. I haven't hurt you, you haven't hurt me. Maybe we can work this out, atleast until home.

Here, on this ship full of humans, we're equal. Doesn't mean we have to be best friends forever, but... just know you can trust me, okay?"

With that, George turned around and swam to the other side, leaving Dream speechless.

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