Chapter 105: Auntie

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"Hey, dude, what in the ocean happened to you?"

Dream had been feeling under the weather since George had left him. It was no wonder he looked terrible and absolutely unmotivated when he arrived for the rebel meeting the next day.

"None of your business", Dream mumbled annoyedly. "Let me guess... your not-boyfriend from the castle rejected you!", Sapnap bellowed. "Shut up", Dream hissed.

"Ooooh, did I hit a nerve?" The orange-tailed merman did a double flip over the back of the giant mergrass plant that they used as a place to sit and landed beside his friend gracefully, hands neatly folded in his lap. "Well", he said in a playfully high-pitched voice, "why don't you tell uncle Sapnap what happened, yes, dear?"

"More like auntie", Quackity cut in from behind them where he was preparing little fish in small cages made from roots by hand as a catch-it-yourself snack for the meeting later.

"Hey! I may be gay, but I'm not that feminin!" "Just saying...", Quackity hummed teasingly. Sapnap jumped up and started chasing him around the room.

Dream smiled weakly. Normally, he would have gotten up and involved in the chasing, which had now become a tickle fight immediatly, but not today. Today he was glad Sapnap had gotten distracted and left him alone.

He hadn't gotten any sleep last night. What had he done wrong? Was it the location, maybe George would've wanted to have his first kiss somewhere fancier?

Possibilities over possibilities had been considered in the past few hours over and over again, but none had seemed realistic. Exept for one. One that Dream couldn't bear to even think about.

What if... George didn't like him?

But that... the kiss had seemed so sincere... and he was completely sure George had been equally as happy when they kissed. What had happened? Why did he run away?

The only real result the hours of thinking had gotten him was that he had to give George time. Maybe he would come around eventually.

And if he doesn't? Then what do I do? Because I know one thing for sure, especially now that we kissed... I can't live without you anymore, George...

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