Chapter 10: Problems

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TW: Cussing, still captivity


When their gazes met, George's heart skipped a beat. He had never looked into the others face this straight. It was quadratic, but also had some soft lines. His eyes had an intense shape of green George had never seen before.

His slightly reddened cheek was sprinkled with freckles, exatly the right amount. Not too many, but also not too less. His lips had a beautiful little swing right under the nose. A just barely viewable amount of beard hair covered his chin.

Handsome, George thought, blushing slightly. I wonder, how he kisses with those lips... Wait what?! George turned around to face the wall again, so the male wouldn't see his embarissing red cheeks.

What the heck was that?! I can't like him, he is a boy! Father would never allow it! And he is also a goddamn siren! I can't like a siren! I can't even get close to a siren! Thousands of thoughts were blurring his mind, he shook his head. Snap out of it, George, this can't be happening!, the prince part of him yelled. But he did look pretty handsome, the other part mumbled.

Aargh, this idiot was messing with his brain too much! Frustated, George hit the wall with his tail, which helped him calm his racing mind effectively, because all he could think now was Ow!. That wasn't very helpful either, but better than having to think about a handsome siren.

The sound of steps made him turn around again. A human stepped up some wooden stairs on the other side of the sirens tank and threw something in his water. Then, it went down again and came over to George, doing the same thing again.

George noticed it was exactly one piece of everything he had pointed out. He grabbed some green sea plant first, but stopped shortly before he could put it in his mouth. Wait, what if it's poisoned? Maybe he shouldn't eat it. But he hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday...

Meanwhile, some humans threw a net into the sirens tank, effectively catching him. They pulled it out and carried the male away.

George's eyes widened. Horror shot through his whole body. What are they gonna do to him?! He banged his fists against the walls of the tank, which suddenly seemed way tighter and more like a prison.

Tears started forming in his eyes. Will they kill him?! What do they even want from us?! Anger, panic and the terrifying feeling of complete helplessness flooded his brain as he saw the other fight against the tight little ropes that were holding him.

But George's questions weren't answered, the humans turned around the corner and George was left in shock, the horrified look on the sirens face burning itself into his memory.

Colors of the Sea  (A DNF Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant