Chapter 54: Disappeared

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"Alright, this is the direction they disappeared in", Puffy pointed somewhere behind the ship. George felt awkward as he realized him and Dream had been swimming in a completely wrong direction.

Looks like his stupid idea of exploring the shipwreck wasn't such a waste of time anyway...

He eyed Puffy from the side. She still seemed upset and disturbed by the little fight they had had earlier. He wondered what her son was like and if he remembered her.

"Oh and George", she turned towards him, "There is this boy, who lives with me and Phil. His name is Wilbur. He also left for the army with the others. Could you... greet him from us? Make sure he'll be okay?" "I'll try my best." Puffy nodded and disappeared into the ship.

And now to pick up my big baby, George thought, heading for the hole his friend had disappeared in. Annoyed, he pushed the shimmering colourful fish out of his way. Damn, I can't see anything... "Dream?"

Half an hour of searching later, George was frustrated. He couldn't find the stupid siren anywhere! Now what? He didn't want to ask Phil and Puffy for help after making Puffy so uncomfortable. Then again, they knew this ship like no other and Phil was probably the fastest merman alive. The decision was made quiet fast.

George swam around the ship until he found the hole he was dragged into when Phil kidnapped him. He yelled into it. "Phil! I can't find my friend Dream, I need your help!" A few moments later, the man was beside him.

"Look, I'll help you look for him in here, but then you have to leave. I don't know what you and Puffy talked about, but I haven't seen her this upset in ages." George swallowed and nodded.

Phil swam around the ship at a speed George had never seen. He was almost carried away by the current Phil created when he stopped in front of him. A few little fish and even a tortoise passed by him and were blown into the open sea.

"He isn't in there", Phil reported. "What? He has to be!", George exclaimed. "I'm afraid he's not. Now get out of here."

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