A Promise Kept

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Link approached a man sitting in an alleyway who was shaking in terror. He gasped in fright when Link approached, but he held his hands up in a calming gesture and kneeled down to his height.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"No. No no nononononononono. I'm not. They're going to get me. I can't let them get me!"

"Who's going to get you?"

"The masks!" the man snapped, grabbing Link by the collar and shaking him. "They've been hiding for years!" he said, his voice now a whisper. "Hundreds! Maybe thousands! But I know! I know about them! I know what they've done!"

"Calm down!" Link responded, "Let me go." He said calmly, and the man suddenly realized what he was doing. He released Link, who staggered back, shocked and confused by the man's behavior and words.

After that day, the man was never seen again.

When Link awoke from his dream, he wasn't sure how long he had slept since the window was closed to avoid killing the Twili sleeping in her own bed. Over the past few days, he had slept very late while he healed from his wounds, but even during those days, he had been conscious enough to begin planning the trip to the next Fused Shadow. The planning also seemed to be the only thing that could appease a surprisingly aggressive Midna, as she would not stop pestering him to get better so they could continue their journey. Link was unsure why she had started acting like she hated him again, but he hoped it was temporary.

Link got out of his bed, faintly hearing commotion from outside. Now that Kakarikio was hosting an army, someone always seemed to be doing something, no matter the time. Link slipped out the door before locking it so no one could walk in and see Midna. If there was an emergency, Midna could unlock the door from inside. As he made his way to the window in the hallway, he saw that the sun hadn't fully risen yet, and stars were still visible in the sky. He made his way through the inn, coming across Renado just as he shut the door to the room he had been tending to Ralis in.

"How's Ralis?" Link asked.

"He has passed through the worst of it." The healer replied, "As long as he rests, he should recover in due time." Link was glad to hear welcome news, as Ralis' condition had been deteriorating for a few days. "Link, do you know the fate of his mother? Her welfare consumes him. He has been mumbling deliriously about her almost constantly." Link let out a sad sigh.

"She did not survive," Link broke the news quietly, "She was publicly executed in front of her people by the man responsible for the crisis Hyrule is in." Link's eyes slowly drifted towards the door. "I don't know how to tell him."

"Do not burden yourself further," Renado placed his hand on Link's shoulder. "I will handle informing him. It is a duty I have experience performing." Link nodded to Renado before walking to the stairs and heading for the inn's door. Soldiers could be seen in the halls and main section of the inn. A woman was explaining a map to her comrades, who Link slid past while they ate some food. Other soldiers were gathered around the tables, and two men entered the inn with their rations. A few soldiers had given nods or greetings to Link as he passed. The first time he had left his room, he was met with the loudest cheering he had ever heard and was swarmed with thanks. It was overwhelming and was now a source of teasing for Midna. She found it hilarious that Link could face down an army of bulbins but not gratitude. After much maneuvering, Link managed to make his way out of the inn to see even more soldiers moving through the streets of Kakariko, with several tents across the village housing the many soldiers. The gate the soldiers had struggled to close against the bulbin horde days before had been upgraded. It now looked like one of the gatehouses that would be found at castle town, built with materials the Gorons had provided. Several Gorons also wandered the village, and Link suspected some of them were also soldiers. Link hoped the children from Ordon didn't feel too cramped here. He hadn't considered that.

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