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When Midna found out crossing Hyrule Field would take at least a few days, she was very upset. Midna complained about the time relentlessly, occasionally blaming Link for not telling her earlier. That was fair, he did forget, but he wouldn't admit that since it would only encourage her further. Link simply kept walking, ignoring everything Midna said. No matter how much she complained, it wouldn't change how long the crossing would take.

The first day was uneventful. Around the beginning of his journey, he ran into some bokoblins, but he was able the sneak past them without incident. The trees began to thin out, but he was still able to find one to sleep under for the night. He set up the makeshift beds, positioning Midna's so she would be in the shade when the sun rose. Link doubted Midna would be willing to a watch shift, so he tried to pick a tree out of sight and on a hill. While Link waited for sleep, he thought of everything that had happened. He might find the people from Ordon in Eldin, and he hoped he would find Epona there too. It was likely since she was probably taken by the bulbins too.

On the second day, Link spotted a large group of bulbins on the field. They seemed to be setting up a large camp, and Link noticed several smoke pillars behind the camp, likely from campfires.

"Well, this complicated things," Link commented, lying on a hill. He was far away enough there was no chance of the bulbins hearing him, so he could safely discuss the situation with Midna.

"No kidding," She was hovering on Link's left, examining the crowd, and quickly lowered to the ground when Link told her to. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm definitely not going to fight them."

"So, sneak through then. I saw you sneak up on those guys outside the giant tree."

"There's too many bulbins and not enough hiding places, and I can't merge with shadows like you. I'd never make it."

"Then what are you going to do?" Link took out his map and darted his eyes between the bulbins and the paper and then to the left.

"We'll have to go around and cut through the center of Hyrule field," Link announced as he put away his map.

"Around?! How long will that take?!"

"A while," Link responded, already walking, "but it's either that or get killed by an army."

"Ugh! I hate this!" Midna merged with Link's shadow, and they began making their way around the bulbins. Nothing else of note happened for a while, aside from arguments about where to rest. Link didn't want to sleep without the high ground, but he sometimes conceded since there weren't always elevated trees in sight, and Midna needed to be in the shade when morning came. When Link reached the center of Hyrule Field, he prepared himself to change direction and start making his way back to Eldin province, but distinct fighting noises caught his attention. Before Link could ask if Midna heard it as well, an unmistakable shriek pierced the air causing him to cover his ears and Midna to cry out. There was only one sound he knew that could cause pain.

It was a Shadow Beast.

Link picked up his speed, running as fast as he could and drawing his weapon. As Link approached, he heard the voice of a man.

"Oh, come on! That's cheating! RAAAAAAHH!" An explosion reached Link's ears, and he finally saw what he was looking for. Two Shadow Beasts could be seen standing next to three others that were dead.

"We're too late..." Midna said sadly from Link's left.

"There's no body. That guy has to be around here somewhere!"

"They don't leave bodies..."

"What are you-" Link's question was interrupted by a Shadow beast rushing him, and he moved aside to avoid the attack. Midna looked at the floor sadly, lost in a daze as she thought of something. She noticed the approach of a Shadow Beast but was not concerned since she was in her shadowy form. Just before the monster could make an attack, a sword pierced its chest, and blood flew out of its wound and through Midna's body, who yelped and turned away in disgust.

Born a Weapon: Twilight PrincessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat