To the Forest Temple

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My brain: You haven't updated your story all year!

Me: ...It's January...

Midna was asleep with the book in her lap when Link came back. Link took this opportunity to sneakily measure the green shirt on her. It would suffice, but it was a little big. He'd also found the fishing rod given to him before all this chaos happened and placed it into his magic pouch. He took this time to search his pouch more thoroughly to see what was given to him by the Light Spirit. He found basic survival necessities inside, such as food, and decided to try to make some.

Midna's eyes slowly fluttered open. Wait, I was asleep? When did that happen? She groggily sat herself up and heard the book she was reading fall from her lap. Oh yeah, I was reading that. I should put it aside before Link comes back. I don't want him to know I gave in and read it. Just as she was about to, however, she realized she heard the sound of writing coming from in front of her and saw Link writing in a book.

"Morning," Link said.

"Morning?! How long was I asleep?!"

"You fell asleep yesterday, so all night." Link said as he closed his book and headed out of Midna's sight before returning with a bowl of some kind of stew and handed it to her before returning to his book.

"We need to get going," Midna said as she tried to hide how much she was enjoying her meal. Why does everything taste so good here? "We should have left yesterday.

"If you're actually up for it, we can, but if you're going to pass out or something were waiting more."

"The twilight is going to keep expanding!" Midna shouted.

"And if you get killed because you weren't ready?"

"If we wait too long, it won't matter! Besides, I can just stay in your shadow."

"... Fine, but if you get killed, don't blame me," Link said as he returned to writing.

"What are you doing?"

Link turned his book around to reveal an incredibly detailed drawing of a bokoblin on the left page and several notes on the right about it.

"What's that?"

"I encountered a few of these bokoblins when I headed into the woods before, so I figured I would write down what I knew about them for later. I did this for everything I've encountered so far in the order I ran into them, and I checked that book while you were asleep for more information," Link said, pointing to the book next to Midna, who was now sure Link knew she was reading it and was slightly embarrassed. "But there was nothing on the creatures we encountered in the twilight, I wrote down what I knew, but I was hoping you could tell me more." Link flipped through the book until he got to a page about the Fused Shadow and handed it to Midna. "This page is about the Fused Shadow. That thing was a pain in the ass to draw, and after this are the creatures I encountered in the twilight."

Midna was amazed at Link's drawing skill. Every creature was drawn in such detail you'd think they stopped to pose for Link. She even got disgusted when she saw that creepy thing with no legs from Hyrule castle's sewers.

"Sorry, but I've actually never seen these things before. Zant made them when he took over." The name of their enemy always carried venom in Midna's tone whenever she uttered it. "The only animals we have in my realm are farm animals."

"Wait, then how did you know what a wolf and a dog was when you kept mocking me?"

"We had one dog in my realm once, and we knew what its ancestors were." That confused Link. How could there have just one dog in her realm? What about its parents? Midna continued to flip through the pages until she saw Link's drawing of the Shadow Beast. She slammed the book closed and threw it away like it was on fire, and buried her face in her hands. It looked so... real. Link had drawn it so well it almost looked like it was leaping out of the page at her. Like it was going to grab her and drag her to the fate so many other twili had suffered. A fate worse than death.

Born a Weapon: Twilight PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now