Armaments and Information

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"What?" Midna asked.

"There's a bulbin over there."

Midna hopped out of Link's shadow and looked in the direction he was facing, trying to see what he was talking about.

"I think my eyes are starting to adjust, but I still can't see very far!"

Midna turned to face Link, but he seemed to have disappeared.

"Hey!" Midna said in a whispered voice so as not to alert the bulbin, "Where'd you go?!"

"Over here!" Link said.

"Over where?! I can't follow your voice if it's telepathic!"

"Behind the tree to your right!"

Midna quickly floated over to the tree to find Link crouched low behind its trunk. Link's eyes darted back and forth over the bulbin Midna could not see, trying to find a way to sneak past it.

"I don't think we can sneak past that guy, he's right in the middle of the path, and I don't see another way around."

"What exactly are we up against?" Midna asked.

"One bulbin."

"Yeah, I got that! But what the hell is a bulbin?"

"It's a monster about the size of me when I'm not a wolf, usually outfitted with leather armor and a weapon. In this case, a bulbin with leather armor and a wooden club."

Midna raised her eyebrows at Link.

"You an expert on monsters or something?"

Link thought for a minute. He did just state that bulbins usually wear leather armor and are armed with weapons. He did remember hearing from Coro that bulbins use weapons, but he never mentioned anything about armor.

Now that Link thought about it, he did recognize the bulbins when they barged into the spring. In fact, he felt like he could recognize all the monsters he had already seen. Even the ones Coro described, he felt he could recognize them without his description. Thinking back to the monsters he had fought, he realized in order of their appearance; he had fought Vermin, Keese, and Kargarocs in Hyrule castle.


Midna waved her hand in front of Link's face.

"What? I'm thinking?" Link responded in a slightly irritated tone.

When Link turned to face Midna, he noticed the small cliffs that formed the narrow passageway the bulbin was blocking and got an idea.

"Hey, Midna, help me jump up on that cliff," Link said as he motioned towards the cliff behind him\.

Midna looked to where Link gestured and realized what he was thinking.

"Why not just kill the "bulbin"?

"Because I want to avoid combat if possible, there is no reason to fight if it can be avoided." Link answered.

"What about on the way back?"

"I'll jump up to the cliff aga-"

Link stopped his sentence short and thought for a minute.

"Shit... the villagers..." He said

"What about them?" Midna asked.

"If they come this way, they'll run into that bulbin... fine... we'll do it your way."

Born a Weapon: Twilight Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें