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Augh... why does my head hurt so much?

Actually, now that he thought about it, his head didn't just hurt, it felt...weird. It felt almost as if he was reaching out to grab something, but with his mind? But that made no sense.

Wait... where am I?

Slowly, Link opened his eyes to see where he was.

Link quickly glanced around the room he was in. The room seemed unusually large, and the walls were made of bricks, and in front of him blocking his escape were several metal bars, too close together to slip through with an obvious doorway in the middle, also made of bars. There was a wooden box in the left corner where the wall changed from brick to metal bars, and strange black squares were floating up from the ground. Link was undoubtably in a cell.

Why the hell am I locked up?!

As Link tried to get to his feet, he called out to anyone who might be outside his cell, but his voice didn't come out as words, it came out as... barking? Before Link could think on that too much, he discovered he was having a surprisingly hard time balancing and fell forward onto his hands and knees when he tried to stand up. When Link fell forward, he heard a metallic jingle coming from his left hand, so he directed his attention to it and saw a metal chain holding him to the ground by his... paw?!

What the hell?!

Link tried to shout that, but all that came out was more barking.

Why the hell am I a dog? Wolf? Whatever! What the hell is going on? And WHERE THE HELL AM I? AND WHY DO I HAVE TO ASK THAT QUESTION AGAIN?!

Furious barking came from the cell as the boy turned wolf attempted to shout in rage. After a few minutes, he gave up on yelling and tried to grab his chain and pull it off with his right hand, paw, but instead, he cut himself with his claws.

OW! Ok... calm down... try to think rationally. How did I get here?

Link took a moment to think and remembered what happened. He was attacked at the spring, Ilia and Colin were taken, some beast thing almost choked him to death, and an imp was watching him from afar, seemingly trying to hide.

Link turned his attention to his immediate problem, the chain on his left hand... paw! As he wondered how to remove it, he suddenly got an idea, but he did not like it one bit.

If I break my hand, paw, I should be able to slip out of this... Aah shit... I can't believe I have to do this to escape a cell some crazy giant monster put me in, in some crazy weird alternate, its-suddenly-twilight dimension.

Link took a few deep breaths that came out as panting and slowly laid his left paw on the ground. He placed his right paw on top of it and tried to prepare himself for what he was about to do. This would definitely hurt, and he would probably have to do it a few times to actually break his paw and slip out. Link raised his right paw and prepared himself...

Wait... someone else was in the cell with him...

Link quickly shot to his feet and whirled his head around to be met with the same imp he saw before he passed out staring into his soul. The imp was about as tall as Link now that he was a wolf, with only her strange headpiece covering her left eye giving her added height to trump his. The creature's stare creeped him out, and he barely noticed, but that strange feeling of reaching out changed to grabbing something and then disappeared entirely.

After a few seconds of staring, the imp's lips curled into a smile, revealing a fang on the top left row of its teeth before it flipped over Link's head to land between him and the metal bars.

Born a Weapon: Twilight PrincessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt