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Above Ordon spring, several black squares formed in the spot they had been in previously, but instead of red markings, they were blue, like the markings on Midna.

Black squares rained down from the opening to form into Link in the shallow water of the spring.

Link quickly glanced around to see where he was and then down at himself.

Great, I'm still a wolf, he thought to himself.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot to mention one thing..."

Link looked at his back, expecting to see Midna sitting upon it, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Though you may have left the darkened realm, you haven't transformed back to your former self... and you won't anytime soon!" Midna continued as Link searched the spring for any sign of her. "Now why could that be?" She was definitely close to him... it sounded like she was right next to him, but where was she? "Eee hee hee!" Midna giggled, and Link heard it coming from... below him? "See you later!"

As Link examined the ground below him, contemplating digging it up to see if Midna had somehow gotten underground, he noticed something odd about his shadow. He could see his shadow casted on the floor from the light, but also Midna on his back. However, when he looked at his back, he did not see her there.

"I see you now!" Link said to her as he began pawing at his odd shadow in curiosity.

"Hey! Quit it!"

Suddenly, his shadow floated up from the ground and formed into the small impish form of Midna. She was pitch black aside from her one eye, and she seemed transparent.

"Well, you really are more observant than I thought!" Midna said. Her response from Link was silence as he slowly raised his right paw and held it inches from her body. "What are you-" Before she could finish her sentence, Link pushed his paw forward, and it passed through Midna as if she wasn't there. Link's eyes widened in surprise as he repeatedly passed his hand through her non-solid body. "Hey! Knock it off!"

Midna attempted to push his paw away with her hands, but they just phased through it uselessly. Fortunately, Link respected her wish and returned his paw to the ground.

"Well, as you would say, that's a neat trick... I wasn't expecting that!"

"Eee hee hee! Did you think I'd disappeared?"

"No, I could hear you talking, so I knew you were still here."

"So, um, what next?"

Link glanced through the floating girl to the spring water behind her.

"Now, I deal with my injury before I die from blood loss or something."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Like this."

Link walked straight through Midna, earning a started yelp from her, and headed to the water.

"Stop going through me!" Midna demanded, "it feels weird!"

"Never thought someone would ask that of me, but ok, I'll stop."

Link laid down in the water, making sure his wound was completely submerged in it.

"How is this going to help?" Midna grumbled.

"Magical Anti-Die Water!"

Midna stared at the wolf in silence for a few moments.

"What?" she asked, wondering if he had gone crazy.

Born a Weapon: Twilight PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now