Premature Departure

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While Link sat waiting for the purple veins to dissipate, he added an entry to his notebook about the strange deku baba he had fought. Since he had no way to color his sketch, he simply noted the plant's color with words. Link's left arm was almost useless, so he had to make the entry with his right hand, but it came out as good as all his others. Midna was extremely impatient and wanted to keep going as soon as possible but always relented when Link told her the poison was still in his chest and near his heart. When the poison receded to Link's arm, her patience died out, and she wouldn't let him lay around any longer.

Midna practically dragged Link to his feet and forced him out the door, but she did help him pack everything up. The only reason Link went along with it was he knew she wouldn't shut up, and he couldn't rest if she kept bugging him. Before leaving, Midna placed the Fused Shadow back on her head, which was a strange sight since she moved her hair through the opening in the top ad then put it on her head. Link clenched his left hand, which proved to be challenging to do, and when he did, his hand shook, and he couldn't hold it steady. It was still numb, and he could barely feel anything with it.

"Don't be a baby," Midna remarked, "you've rested long enough."

"This is my sword arm, Midna."

"It still works. Let's go."

Link grumbled as he opened the door. He hoped Midna might warm up to him after they both saved each other's lives. Guess not. Link struggled to open the door with just his right hand, but he managed. As much as Link wanted to drink the bottle of spring water to fix his arm, he knew he shouldn't waste it on a wound that was already healing in case he needed it for something else.

Several rooms passed before Link entered a room with water running through its middle and a bridge that split into two paths to two doors. The bridge's middle was broken in both directions, but they only needed a little hop to cross. Link went to the left first and struggled to open the door again. He stepped through onto a balcony over a hole he couldn't see the bottom of. There was another balcony with a door leading to another room on the other side, and a bridge sat in the middle of the massive hole, but it was turned sideways and was completely useless. Both sides currently led to nothing. Even if someone could get on the bridge, they would be stuck. On the top of the bridge was a propellor that he recognized from the other bridges that turned with the wind, but there wasn't a single opening in this room for wind to enter.

Link noticed all of that rather quickly as his attention was shifted to the two bokoblins on either side of the door. One tried to get the jump on Link with a swing to the head, but Link ducked and rammed his shoulder into his opponent and sent it tumbling into its ally. Link drew his shield in a flash, but he fumbled to grasp his sword's handle and only barely got it out before the bokoblins recovered.

Another strike was easily blocked, but Link's counterattack was sloppy. His strike was slow and off-target, giving his foe a nasty slash but doing no real damage. Link tripped the bokoblin with his leg and rushed the second one. When his new enemy swung, Link stood firm and led his shield take the blow. Link pointed his sword at his opponent's chest and shoved it in. The bokoblin fell dead, and Link spun around to face the other, but it was on him already. There wasn't enough time to use his shield, so Link blocked with his sword. Miraculously he got his blade between himself and the bokoblin's club, stopping it from striking him. However, his arm was still weak, and the blow knocked his sword from his hands, and it slid out of reach, and Link recoiled in pain, clutching his arm as his body spun around in the same direction his sword went. The monster raised his club for another strike, but Link used his shield to deliver a jab right to the beast's face. The bokoblin stumbled close to the edge but did not fall, so Link quickly fixed that with a dropkick.

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