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The time Me and dooka met a crazy capybara: part 8

No one's pov:

"...Alright, I guess we can do that." Mya said, shrugging.  I guess everyone's making orders now. Mya  thought, as she scowled slightly.  but Julian picked up on that, though he didn't want to say anything, at least not in front of karis.

"We can start by trying to get some weapons.." Karis said, making eye contact with mya and nodding at her slightly. "Like you said." Karis said. Mya nodded,   "Yeah.. like I said-" Mya muttered. Karis turned and paced around, thinking of ideas.  "Be right back! There's an white board, you- you can write on."  Karis exclaimed. 

"No way, an white board you can write on?!" Mya said sarcastically, earning an elbow jab from  Julian in response. Mya glanced at him in annoyance, While Julian still stared daggers into Mya. "Nevermind that- just give me  a moment." Karis spoke up, before running off.

Soon it was just julian and mya sitting in silence, waiting for karis to return"....Do you think we should have let karis go by herself?"  Julian asked. Mya thought for a moment, then sighed. "I don't know, she should be alright. The capybaras have thinned out about 30 minutes ago, plus... it was her idea t-" Mya began but Julian sprang up, coming into Mya's line of vision. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY WHAT I THINK YOU'RE GOING TO SAY! WE CAN'T JUST BRUSH IT OFF IF SHE GETS HURT OR DIES! THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M GOING TO DO.. I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DID WITH THE MYA THAT WAS SO DETERMINED TO SAVE EVERYONE AND GET OUT OF HERE, BECAUSE THIS ISN'T THE MYA I KNOW. THAT MYA I KNEW WOULD'VE DONE SOMETHING BY NOW!" Julian shouted, before turning and leaving..running off to where karis went, just leaving mya by herself and her thoughts.

Mya stood up, and kicked pebbles that tumbled into the walls. Mya threw a rock that bounced off the wall and hit her in the head. "OW!'' Mya winced, gingerly touching the spot she got hit. "...Why can't they just understand I'm trying to protect him and karis?.. Don't they know that I'd fight a hundred capybaras just to protect them? Apparently Julian wants Karis to be the leader now, even though she never risked a single hair for them." Mya said, sighing. "..Maybe one day i'll find someone that will understand me."  Mya muttered. 

"It's their faultit's not mine,I didn't ask for this to happen to us. It's always been-" Mya shook with rage. "If they want to get themselves killed, so be it. But I'm not going to save them when they are in a life or death situation."Mya grumbled.

Julian's pov: I jog through the capybara cave, in search of karis. I completely forgot about mya, she doesn't matter right now. I just need to find karis,  I cup my hands over my mouth while jogging,and shout.  "KARIS!" I call in a desperate attempt,hoping she'd pop over the corner and wave, he wished this was  all a dream, an horrible, horrible dream he could just wake up from. He didn't want to do this anymore, he wanted to live a normal kid's life. "KARIS?!" Julian yelled again, no response. Julian blindly crashed into the capybaras weapon stash that was hidden, and just like that. All of the  weapons clattered down, making an ear shattering clatter. Julian stumbled back in surprise. Julian looked around nervously, hoping no capybaras heard him,  behind him or coming his way.

He could've sworn he saw something run across, He could've sworn. He hoped it was karis just joking around with him, coming out of the shadows soon unscathed.. Smiling big and telling him it was just a prank, and that she found the whiteboard. Or atleast saying she got lost, which was a more realistic outcome. At Least the realistic outcome he wished for.  He heard a scream in the distance, he got nervous. He hoped it was someone else, he hoped that it wasn't her. But despite him reassuring himself that it wasn't her, it couldn't be anyone but karis.. It was so clearly her voice. Her screams were so loud,  Julian sprinted to that direction.  "KARIS!!"  Julian shouted.  He heard a faint response, but he couldn't make out what it was. He ran faster, any faster and he'd probably start  propelling into the air. He saw karis's silhouette, he lunged towards it but something tackled him out of the way. He fell down with a thud and desperately tried to get whatever it was off, it was definitely a capybara. Though he couldn't see anything from the darkness. Despite his resistance and fighting, he started to lose his consciousness. His last thought before going unconscious was:. "I couldn't get to her in time."

To be continued. 822 Words

I think that's more words than usual.. Lmao I Don't Know, But enjoy! <3 -Yours, Author.

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