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The time me and dooka met a crazy capybara: Book 2, Part 12

W/ Kennon and Karis:

Karis's pov:

I slowly woke up, strained, sore and tired. On my back, and I'm staring up at the sky, my eyes shift to my left, I see kennon on his stomach, laying sprawled on the floor and blood trickling down his head. "Psst. Kennon." I whisper, hoping no one or any capybaras would hear me."KENNON!" I slowly got up and limped over to his side. "Kennon, I swear to god if you don't give me a response now, I will kill you myself.. And the capybaras aren't going to be the ones you'll have to fear."I say, tears forming in my eyes. I shake him, and he slowly blinks awake.which makes me let out a shaky sigh of relief, I immediately hug him, holding the back of his head tightly, his head in my shoulder as I cry. "I thought you were dead, Kenn. I thought you really were." I mutter, Kennon was silent for a while. "I thought the same for you.. Too. you fell, everything was so fast and-" Kennon went on a sobbing rant, but got cut off with a spark of warmth against his lips.

Kennon's Pov:

I was going on and on about what to her to karis, until something met my lips. Warm, No. How is this happening? Karis was literally kissing me, and I have no idea how to react. I Soon do the same... My heart soared, did flips and fireworks went off inside my head.. If anyone asked me what was the most amazing experience that happened to me, This definitely would be number 1. We're both horrible kissers, judging off on how stiff we are. But it doesn't matter, I'm just glad me and karis are alright for now.

Soon we parted, we both looked away, flushed. "Sorry if that was a bit random..." Karis said, I only scratched the back of my head. "I mean.. It did take away all of my worries for a little while." I say, the heat on my cheeks growing immensely as those words flowed out of my mouth.... Karis looked at me. "Glad it could do so... It did the same for me, but look. We should really get going... so we don't get jumped by a capybara or something." Karis let out a forced laugh, quickly changing the subject, I nod, and we continue to limp away.. More cautious now. so we won't have to go through that crisis a second time.







W/ Sergeant Rudo, Mya and Julian.

Julian's Pov:

I woke up, stretching dramatically and yawning. I look around, to see Sgt. Rudo wide awake. He turns to me and nods, I smile. He's not so bad. "So, Mya-" I say, but realized that the spot mya used to lay was empty. "Mya?!" I shout nervously. Sgt. Rudo did nothing, all he did was stare in worry.

"Don't worry yourself too much, kid. Wait- what?!" Sgt. rudo stared... I gasp. It felt like my heart had been slashed. I just blew our cover. I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE WHOLE FAKE NAME THING!!!!! "You lied." Sgt. rudo said in disappointment. "You kids lied to my face, didn't you..... JULIAN?" Sgt. rudo said, shaking his head. "Ahh... looks like that didn't last long, did it?" A voice said from behind us. I turn around, Mya. Sgt. rudo stared in disgust at mya. "I suggest you and your friend should confess something, or it won't end well." Sgt. rudo said, eyeing me.. Then mya. "We tried to help. I Tried to... I gave you water and food. Protection." Sgt. rudo went on an huge list. Mya cut him off. "YOU ONLY DID THAT FOR A DAY! WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE YOU'VE DONE THIS AND TOOK CARE OF US FOR 4+ YEARS! NO ONE ASKED YOU TO PROTECT US OR GIVE US WATER OR FOOD! YOU DID THAT ON YOUR OWN!"

Mya shot back, annoyed. Sgt. Rudo gave her a scowl, it looked like he was itching to just pull out his sniper and just shoot us.. But that would be unprofessional. Not that we know if he's an actual military trained sergeant or they just gave him that rank and gathered everyone they could find and called the members military names. "I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it, kid." Sgt. Rudo Hissed, Mya gave a pleased expression. "Looks like we're the same." Mya said, raising her gun. Sgt. Rudo shook his head. "Bad idea." Sgt. rudo snarled, staring at mya. "Maybe, but at least you'd be out of the picture.. You're really annoying me." Mya said. No way I'm going to let my best friend die! "Sgt. rudo, don't shoot mya! Just tell her to put the gun down Already!!!" I shout, both of them looked towards my direction. "Hmm, at least the boy has some brains... but he isn't that useful other than his intelligence." Sgt. Rudo smiled, pulling out his gun and firing, I gasped. But something shoved me out of the way. Hard. ugh, everything is dark, I can't see anything? I'm not hurting anywhere so I don't think I was shot.... What happened?

To be continued.

Word count: 872

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