|The Problem..(5 months later)|

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The Time Me And Dooka Met An Crazy Capybara: Part 2

Time Skip: 5 Months Later After The Incident.

Julian's/Dooka's  Pov:

It's Been  A While After the incident With That Crazy Capybara, And to say the least, It

Still haunts us. We Always Think We Still see him out of the corner of our eye, that same.. Uncanny

Figure lurking along the shadows... Me And Mya Have been debating whether to tell our parents or not

About this, or anyone in general. As they might deem us insane In put us in some psyche ward or some sort of mental asylum, I mean if don't get me wrong, if some two kids where to go up to me and say that

They encountered some capybara that was doing some weird substance and attacked them out of the blue, I'd do the same. But it's been quite hard especially with school and all the assignments, On top of being on edge as if something may happen at any moment. Mya and I Haven't slept In a few days, and any bits of sleep we get, the dreams aren't the most pleasant, nightmares constantly about the capybara coming back, the stench and sight of the  hundreds of thousands of dead bodies across the town.. The capybara coming back for us. It's honestly been hard to do anything, really.

Julian flinched as the ear shattering bell rang for the beginning of the day.

"Ugh, This Bell Will Be The Death of me." Mya Scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. 

Julian Nodded, While Silently eyeing the american flag in the front of the classroom.

As The Class finished the pledge, The rest of the hour it was just mindless page flipping and jotting down notes.

Mya's pov:

The rest of the Hour was slowly killing me, It was Just a bunch of boring lectures from the teacher and

Silence. Maybe the occasional snort or giggle, I could hardly Keep my eyes open at this rate... drifting in and out of consciousness.

Julians Pov:

I Glance at Mya Who Looks bored out of her mind. I let out a sigh and continue to write down whatever the teacher is saying. Every now and then I See The rest of our classmates side-eyeing us In Confusion. I Honestly Haven't Looked In A Mirror In A While, But I know I probably don't look the neatest because My lack of grooming and just putting on the first thing I See In the morning.  I Check the time and see that there's only a few more minutes until recess, Then I Can Chat About The Capybara Thing In Private With Mya.

Mya's Pov:

I Woke Up, And Hardly bat an eye to Julian or Our Table mates. The end of the hour's coming up, which means recess, and recess mean the private chat about the capybara incident.. Well It should go well.... I'm so tired of having to deal with all of this BS.....  I Can not anymore, I Just wish we could return back to our normal lives without having to be all alert and nervous all the time, No Matter How Much I Try to tell myself and Julian that It's over, it has nothing to do with us, The Capybara Is Dead. Nothing Major Has Happened Within the 5 months afterwards. Other Ashers Death, But Nevermind that.. We Don't really like to bring it up.

The Bell rang, and the Class eagerly rushed outside  to recess.  

Mya And Julian walked to the large tree near the school fence, it was pretty awkward. As the two were just silent and looking around.

"We Can't Keep Avoiding this."

Julian said, breaking the Ice. Which garnered a Confused Look from Mya.

"The Random Capybara Hallucinations, We're going to have to do something sooner or later, whether it's telling our parents about this, talking to someone, or confronting the hallucination itself. . It's been going on for so long, And We can't just 'wait it out' anymore. I don't think that's  how it's going to work."

Mya's Brow Furrowed, She thought  Her And Julian went over this plenty of times before.

"How? No One's going to believe us! We Haven't even mentioned that time we met that capybara face to face before!" 

Mya argued back.

" 'Oh Yeah, we've been haunted by this random capybara shaped figure for 5 months and we've been so bothered by it that we've been Sleep deprived and haven't got a decent amount of sleep in so long.' "

Mya scoffed in disbelief

"Do You know how hard that's going to be to explain that without some  sort of doubt coming from the authorities.. OR OUR PARENTS! They  won't believe us!"

Mya Desperately tried to get it through Jullians head.

"So, What?! We're just supposed to let things stay how they are?! I already said that this problem isn't going to fix itself or go away if we don't try to do something!"

Julian Snarled, as he shot back. Completely seething with anger, desperation and frustration.

"Why can't you just understand that?! I'm tired of sitting back and cowering in fear and being on edge 24/7, we've been doing that for MONTHS. MONTHS! And I don't know about you,  But I don't want to do that much longer. I- No. No, I'm Done."

Julian grumbled, while speed walking away from the tree. Mya watched as Julian walked off. Mya sighed, sliding down the tree and banging her head against the palm of her hands in frustration.

Mya(In thought):

"He's not entirely wrong, but not entirely right either... we do need to do something, but what?"

Mya Immediately sat up and gasped, Thinking of an Idea..

To Be Continued.
957 words

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