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The time me and dooka met a crazy capybara: book 2, part 9

No one's pov:

W/ Mya And Julian:

Mya and Julian treaded through the streets, it's been a few hours ever since they continued their walk/migration... Mya shot a capybara that charged at them. BANG. "12 Bullets left." Mya said, before withdrawing her gun. Julian stared, mya looked at him confused.. Julian pointed to her gun with his eyes. "You should really get a silencer for that thing." Julian said, Mya sighed. "So you're saying that you don't think that... that thought came across my mind and attempted to find one?" Mya said, shifting her full attention towards Julian. Julian put his hands up, "I'm Not saying anything! It's just ... it's INCREDIBLY Loud.. and if it's loud for us, I'm pretty sure capybaras have a heightened sense of hearing. Well, if not.. These one's definitely do." Julian spoke, Mya just shrugged as if she was debating if his statement was true or not. "Maybe, But let's try to find someone... other than us. So far I've only seen um, dead bodies... and capybaras, sometimes stray animals left behind by their owners." Mya said, Julian nodded. "Hope we run into someone trustworthy.. And not someone that would set us up." Julian said. As they continued to walk across the street and sidewalk.





3 hours later.

No one's pov:

. Even the birds that always sang 24/7 were gone.. Everything left. It was just them two, for now.. Julian heard a twig snap, where they being watched?! Julian swiftly his head around nervously.. His eyes searched the forest. There was a red dot coating a small part of the dirt trail, near Julian's feet. Mya quickly pulled him back, grabbing his arm. "WATCH OUT!" Mya exclaimed. The two eyed the dot nervously, the dot never moved. Julian looked up, seeing a weird silhouette that didn't look like a capybara.. Was it a human? If so.. It was really the first other human they've seen in days, and that stranger was out to kill them. The moss /leaf covered human jumped down from a tree, still holding a gun. The stranger seemed to relax, as they took off the moss cover that was on them. "Ah.. you hidin'?" The stranger said.. They were a soldier. a sergeant to be exact. Were they searching for specifically mya and julian? Were they going to be rescued by the stranger and be with their family? The stranger passionately put out his hand for a handshake

.. "Rudo." The stranger said. "Sgt. Rudo." The stranger deadpanned. Mya and Julian turned to each other.. They definitely weren't going to tell this stranger man their real names. "James." Julian said to the sergeant, as Julian made up a fake name. Julian reluctantly shook the man's hand. The man turned to mya. "You?" Sgt. Rudo said to mya, mya realized what her and julian were doing. "Oh- I'm amelia, nice to meet you." Mya did her fake name, and politely rejected rudo's handshake. "Good to know.. You can come with us." Sgt. rudo said, mya and julian sighed..and followed.

To be continued.

Word count: 523

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