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The time me and dooka met a crazy capybara: book 2, part 4.

Mya's Pov:

''Who are you?" I  said, staring at a shadow figure that I  couldn't recognize who it was just yet. (I swear, If it turns out to be someone I know extremely well... I'm  going to feel incredibly stupid.) I thought to myself.  "Ah, Hello!" Kennon said, smiling. I mentally facepalmed, how did I not know? I only nod at him. " Where's Karis?" Kennon asked, I shrugged.  "I Mean.. i'd assume she'd be with you, since apparently.. Wherever you went.. You'd be together? I make no sense right now... do I? Uh, I mean I don't know much of you three's situation and al- WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Kennon began to yap away, then turned around swiftly with a nervous grin.. Seeing me walk past him, barely batting an eye to him.  "YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING!!!" Kennon shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth. "Maybe... I DON'T  know, but we should at least try and get out of here.." I say, annoyed. Kennon shut up and nodded, then followed. Sooner or later, we finally saw the street and the houses, ...and buildings. "I guess we finally got out of that weird forest." Kennon said, exhaling dramatically. "Whew. Wouldn't know what I'd do if we didn't make it out." Kennon added, I glanced at him. "What brung you to that forest, anyway?" I ask.


Kennon's Pov:

"What brung you to that forest, anyway?" Mya's question echoed in my head... 'I was looking for you and karis.' Is what I wanted to say so badly.. But that would just bring more questions from mya I would  100% not know the answers to. "Well... Uh." I chuckled nervously, putting my hand at the back of my head. "I was going for a stroll and got lost, I guess?" I said, but mya didn't respond.  "Hey, Mya?" I call out after moments of silence.  Before she could even respond I continued.

  "I'm glad I found you, I knew you wouldn't be dead. Even if it meant we didnt find karis just yet.. Atleast it comforts me that one of my.. Friends are okay, my friends that got uh.. Whatever happened and got you 3 into that situation. And at least you and Julian are okay, right??"  I said.. Giving a warm, sad smile. "I'm glad, too. I didn't know how much longer I could have lasted back there." Mya responded.  "Okay, seriously. Go home.. Peasant." Mya said, laughing lightly. Mya walked behind me and pressed her hands into my back, shoving me towards my house direction. I laugh along w/ mya. 'You're the real peasant... Peasant..' I thought to myself, smiling as I walked away.. Leaving mya to herself.


Karis's pov:

I continued to run down the alleyway, as it seemed like it was never ending.. The sounds of my feet pounding with each step to the ground.. My eyes darting back and forth, the sounds of the capybara's roars echoing and reverbing in my brain. Soon I was snapped out of my trance as it appeared I literally ran into the street, people honking at me and swearing.. Flipping me off and calling me a psycho. I ignored them and scurried onto the sidewalk and ran home as fast as I could... I couldn't stop...

Julian's Pov:

The school day was over and I was walking home with my other friend... Kaden, I like him.. He's pretty cool but.. I don't think he'd ever be able to replace the tear in my heart where mya and karis where. Are they okay? I wanted to see them again. They can't be dead. I'd completely lose it... I just CAN'T lose them. Before we knew it, I had already arrived at my town-house. Kaden waved goodbye to me and smiled. I give a subtle wave and nod, before heading into the town house.

3 hours later..

I was at my desk, finishing up my homework... until I heard sirens blaring and commotion and people screaming, I heard my dad yelling and packing everything... and the faint terrified cries of cami. I rushed down the stairs where my dad and cami were. "WHATS GOING ON?!" I ask.. My dad shook his head and still did everything he was doing in a hurry. "We need to go. LIKE NOW!" Cami nervously screamed at me. That still didn't answer my question that I was itching an answer for. My dad hoisted a duffel bag full of our supplies  over his shoulder and carried cami bridal style. As soon as I left the house and had my shoes on, my dad and cami were already down the street, heading for a military truck that was full of people and soldiers barking orders at everyone to follow. I looked around, seeing everything on fire, smoke rising in the air.. And  cars crashed.... My worst nightmare had come true. The capybaras were coming for us.

To be continued.

word count: 828

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