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Setting: In the military base, in a secret spot.

No One's Pov:

The group panted, and hid in a secret compartment away from danger.. For now. Julian sighed and held his head back, closing his eyes. (Being In the midst of an attack isn't as fun as I imagined it in games and movies... and when me and kennon and some other kids would always play pretend-war and battle... but now, in reality... it's terrifying.) Julian thought, then turned to kennon who looked drained. Karis sniffled, wiping away her tears. Mya stared blankly into nothing, trying to process everything. Julian sighed and shifted around, Pulling out a flimsy photo he had taken out of his baseball pants pocket. It was one of the things that had stayed in mint condition, surprisingly... and it was one of the things he took before he changed into these weird clothing. He squinted, and looked at the photo. It was Him, Kennon, Karis and Mya. Julian and mya were tied with rope to the ceiling upside down, Karis trying to get them down while Kennon was taking the photo smiling like it was some normal day. Julian looked at the photo with a distant look in his eyes. Karis must've caught on because she crawled over to him and plopped down beside him, leaning over to look. "..oh." Karis deadpans, as if she acted she wasn't interested but in reality she wanted to laugh so hard. "Yeah.. That was a weird day." Julian sighs. "It was... It was." Julian nods... feeling some sort of nostalgia- Of course it wasn't TOO far back, but after everything... it makes it feel more further away than it actually is. "I'm Sorry." Julian says, learning back. Karis gives him a questioning look."..I'm sorry for dragging you all into this. If me and mya ignored that capybara that one day.. None of this would have ever happened and lives never would've been taken." Julian stutters, feeling guilty. "...We didn't know what that capybara was capable of.. we have been over this multiple times julian." Mya whispers, still cautious of not attracting attention to her and the others, and not to make themselves clear to Enzo and the capybaras. Julian went silent, and everyone returned back to their own thoughts.





Mya's Pov:

I was walking in the halls of my school.. Which was weird, I thought we were at the military base? What happened?! ..was all of that a dream? No. It can't be.... This has to be fake. I'm kinda losing track of reality right now. Soon, A Much Older Julian.. As In early 20's.. Walks up to me and laughs. "I Can't believe we're back at our old school.. We're finally free, and the capybara thing is all over.. It makes me a bit sad, though. All those epic times, especially since Sgt. Rudo isn't here to uh.. Join us. Like I miss that guy for real for real." Julian chuckles, elbowing me playfully as we continued to walk through the halls. "I Seriously haven't seen this thing in ages.. Professor Is Kind of a cool guy to let us visit our highschool again before we head back to college.. Never heard of such a chill professor, Is that even allowed? You think that's allowed, right? KInda bummed out Kennon moved, though.. And Karis..where is that girl?!" Julian says, I was confused.. He kept going and going and going on with everything! "Sup, Lugnuts!" Karis did a surprise attack from behind us.. Exclaimed and aggressively smacks her hands onto each of our shoulders. "Karis.. You're so crazy." Julian states the obvious, and I'm too busy being in my head.. Thoughts racing through and along with the rhythm of my footsteps... and that's when I realize Karis and Julian stopped talking a mile A minute and went silent.. I slowly look at them. They both stare at me worried. "Dude, You Good?" Karis asks Me. Julian tilts his head in curiosity. I simply nod, it takes them a while for them both to be convinced. Julian shrugs it off and Karis still looks a bit worried, but eventually they both resume talking. "What happened to sgt. Rudo?" I ask, abruptly invading their conversation. They freeze in their tracks, unmoving. (...I Said something wrong, didn't I?)I thought, realizing I Messed up. "Y-You're kidding right?" Karis says, tears welling up in her eyes. Julian shoves her aside and walks up to me, steaming. "I thought we agreed on not mentioning this, no?" Julian snarls.. My mind goes blank. "Well?" Julian says to me. My mouth opens but I don't speak. I don't know what to say. I hang my head and clench my fist. Julian Rolls his eyes and turns away. I still haven't figured out what I did wrong. "Explain yourself later..don't ruin the moment." Julian murmurs before resuming talking back to karis, who still looks like she's on the verge of tears. I sigh, and so then Julian speaks to both of us in a regular tone. "Look. it's Mr. Vager, He was such a good Science teacher." Julian gestures to the bald man who was busy organizing things from afar. All three of us walked around, seeing new students.. Unrecognizable faces... and we might look unrecognizable to them, too. "So nostalgic."Julian says, though his tone wasn't as happy as it was. "Mmm, It seems like nothing has changed, here." Karis whispers.. And Julian nods. I start to wonder why they're being so quiet. Soon, a Loud KA-CRACK filled the air, and I'm the only one startled, I scan my surroundings and no one seemed fazed. "A-Alright, this has to be a dream. Wake up!" I say, and Julian and karis slowly turned my direction. "We don't like how you're acting... you aren't getting out of this anytime soon." The two say and it sends a chill down my spine.The ground rumbles, and everyone gets set off their feet. An explosion took over, and everything begins to ring and all I could see was nothing but blinding white.





I jerk awake, nervous. Shuddering, I look around, and everyone was fast asleep. My dream made no sense.. But I'm Glad I'm awake. I'm surprised our rivals didn't find us and completely murder us yet. (..As long as we're alive and stick together, We might just be okay.) I thought.

To Be continued.

Word count: 1059

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