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The time me and dooka met a crazy capybara: part 5

No one's pov:

The capybara ran down the alleyway with Karis on his back, the darkness blanketing his coat and build, making him look unrecognizable. He skidded to a stop, at a mysterious place with cobwebs draping over the door. He pressed a hidden button, the door opening with a low buzz. As he trotted in, the door closed behind him. He threw karis off his back, as she fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Julians pov:

I slowly blinked awake.. I winced, ringing in my ears and head throbbing. I bit down a scream, as the agonizing pain of the knife wound in my chest was present. I look up, to see Mya and Karis, My two other friends sprawled on the floor. I guess they aren't awake ye- Wait.. HOW DID KARIS GET HERE?!

Julian swallowed, hard. He scrambled to his feet and staggered to the two. Julian shook them both gently.

"Come On... Come on!" Julian said, soon mya woke up. "Julian, you're alive?-" Mya said

Myas pov:
I woke up slowly.. Too see Julian in front of me, still bleeding though. Julian gulped and nodded.

"That doesn't matter right now, I'll patch myself up later. First we need to get out of here... also somehow karis got here." Julian told me in a stern tone, I turned around. Seeing Karis unconscious on the ground.

"Karis? Karis!" I ran over to Karis. Karis turned away, mumbling some random things..karis soon awoke. Me and Julian sighed a breath of relief. "Thank god, we have to get out of here. I think the capybara kidnapped us, we have to go.. Now!" Julian explained to Karis, who looked at me and Julian like we were crazy. Julian and I turned to each other, realizing we haven't told anyone yet about the whole capybara thing. "No time to explain, we'll tell you after we got out.'' I say.

No one's pov:

"And that won't be anytime soon, Children." A cold voice said, Julian, Mya and Karis's blood ran cold.

"Not until you guys suffer a little longer.." The voice said, footsteps approached. And it revealed a capybara with a bulky build, with a dark cloak draping over its head and back, the shadow of the hood looming over the eyes. "What are you, the big bad capybara that is going to kill us?" Mya hissed, the capybara's broad head whipped towards Mya's direction. "Mmm.. Yes, Yes." The capybara's harsh tone snapped back,"One that you should fear, If you want to keep your life." Mya scowled, staring at the capybara. The capybara's head stayed in her direction, then turned to Karis and Julian. "You should too, human children." The capybara said. Karis stared in shock, Julian backed up. "Where do you think you're going?" The capybara snarled... taking a few steps closer. Julian gulped, and scrambled back. The capybara wrinkled its snout and scowled... the capybara raised its claws, its claws coming down closer. Julian closed his eyes, nothing happened. A few seconds later, there was a crazed roar of agony, Julian opened one eye to see that Maya had stabbed the capybaras back with its knife it had in its moss bed. The capybara chuckled. "That's a surprise." The capybara flung Mya across the room. Karis and Julian screamed, seeing mya hit the wall and go limp. Karis tackled the capybara who spun around violently as an effort to get her off. Julian used this as an opportunity to find a way out; he sighed and bolted down the tunnel, then 4 capybaras blocked his walkway. Julian heard Karis scream in the distance and mya yelling at the capybara. He had to keep going, he jumped over the capaybara's and ran until the capybaras lost sight of him. He inhaled, huffed and puffed. Hiding in a small cave in the capybara's hideout, catching his breath. He heard the capybaras searching for him. "Looks like we have to tell the boss that he's just dead... though there are two others left." one said, and the other just grunted. Then left, Julian would come back for Mya and Karis... but he'd have to work a plan out that would work.

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