𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝟚, ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙:𝕋𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣.

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The TIme me and dooka met a crazy capybara (Book 2, part 1)

No one's pov:

Mya sat down, thinking. Karis only watched mya's actions as it was the only thing she could really do. "Can you get those things off?" Mya said to Karis, Nodding at the chains. "Oh- Um, I Mean.. I don't think those, judging by my limited movement these are giving me... I don't think so." Karis muttered. Mya stared at her for a moment, then paced around. "Hmmm.." Mya was silent for a few moments, "I have an idea.. I'll get something to break them." Mya bolted up, and sprinted off. '"Wai-" Karis said, but mya was already halfway down the hall. (If she leaves me here completely, I'm going to literally LOSE IT.) Karis thought. A few minutes later, mya jogged back. Holding something. "...Uh, are you sure that is going to be safe, better yet.. Even WORK?" Karis asked. Mya shrugged. "Ah, I don't know." Mya said. Karis blinked in annoyance. "Just know, if you injure me in the process... I'm going to kill you." Karis said.. Giving mya the death stare. "Fair enough!" Mya said with a toothy grin and a thumbs up.






W/ Julian And Kennon:

Kennon's pov:

so far of what Julian's told me.. I'm kind of worried about karis and mya, But there's not much we can do right now. We're just going to hope they are going to have to stay stronger for a little bit longer.. If they aren't dead already. But let's not go there. "...Anything else you remember before waking up here?" I said, hoping to get an answer from julian, that's not 'I don't know' Or 'I don't remember.' Buuuut... I don't think that's going to happen, unfortunately.... Because he hasn't been talking that much anyway.

For A long, Long time.. It's just the sound of our footsteps, commotion out on the street, birds singing.. And the occasional chatter and doors opening and closing. I sigh, looking down at my shoes. "What do you want to do? I mean, we've just been walking blindly for the past 15 minutes." I said, eyeing Julian slightly. Who just shrugged. I don't know why I asked that and expected him to give an answer. I guess that's the reason why the 3 have been gone from school for almost a week, because... apparently they got kidnapped to a secret cave by who knows what. He hasn't told me that either. He hasn't told me a lot of things. "Well, about mya and karis, lets just hope for the best." I say to Julian, turning to him. "Yeah, let's hope." Julian said."I'll see you tomorrow, at school hopefully. Don't get into danger or anything." Kennon said, running for. While Julian nodded, smiling then ran home.

W/ Mya And Karis:

Karis's pov:

I stare at the pliers, unsure if this would work. Mya waited, I nodded. Then Mya began to cut the chains.. Sooner or later.. The chains fell down to a clatter. "Wow, It worked." I say, amazed. Stretching out.. Glad to move my limbs again. "I told you, that's why you should trust me more." Mya said in her 'I am always right' tone. I sighed, shaking my head. "Let's go.. I seriously want to get out of here as soon as possible.. Hopefully find Julian and somehow fight off these capybaras, or are they even capybaras anymore?" I say, going on a rant as I start walking out the dark cave with mya. ..together, we might just be okay.

To be continued

A/N: I decided to make the parts all in one book! So, enjoy!

Word count: 601

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