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The time me and dooka met a crazy capybara: book 2, part 5

Julian's pov:

I could only watch in horror as the military truck drove off... the entire town was in the back of that truck... I was alone. I can't believe my dad and cami left me behind.. I hope they come to the realization they literally left their son behind... I flinched at the loud THUMP that accompanied my far left, I slowly looked over. I saw the reflection of a way too familiar capybara in the fire.. I hope it was my imagination again.. But it wasn't. The capybara snarled, then jumped over the car that was on fire and landed onto the cold street, I didn't dare back up. The capybara walked closer, an dull.. Terrifying thud came with each step it took. The capybara let out a guttural growl.. Who knew capybaras could do this!? Can someone help me for the love of god?! The capybara lurched forward at me, I screamed.. And that just seemed to encourage it.. Judging by the way it immediately pins me down, desperately trying to get a chunk out of my face. Seconds later its teeth are inches away from my face. It throws its head back as if it's getting ready to kill me in the most brutal way possible. I guess this is it? Damn it.. There's so many things I wanted to do.. What I haven't done.. What I haven't told. I haven't been able to get my last goodbye out to my family.. Or karis... or mya. And there's a specific individual I haven't said 'I love you too.'

I'm going to an stupid coward... a coward that never found my friends.. A coward that couldn't fight back. A coward that in my last moments I had with my friends before they completely disappeared from my life over the past few days.. Those moments should have been laughing, cuddling up together and playing a board game.. Having the sleepovers like we used to have. Doing the stupidest things at recess a few years back.. Like all 3 of us trying to swing on the same swing. Laughing, and screaming and playing that random 'huggy wuggy' hide and go seek game we made up 6 years ago in 4th grade. I close my eyes, expecting for the capybara to kill me. But I only heard a loud BANG I open one eye to see the capybara was limp, dead at my left With a bullet hole in its head.

I shuffle up, supporting myself with my arms.. Everything was still blurry. And everything still looked like a crisis, I wiped the blurriness out of my eyes, and only to see mya in the distance with a gun drawn still in my direction. No way. Could it really be her? I thought to myself, a big grin on my face. "MYA! HEYY!" I scream, with a laugh. Mya froze, withdrew the gun and then leaped over the car and charged after me, I got up and ran in her direction, and we crashed into each other smiling, and crying. "I knew you weren't dead, I knew it, I knew it, I KNEW IT!" I say through laughter and sobs. "Yeah... I'm all is well, don't worry about me.... I mean as well as it could get." Mya said to me, I nod. Another capybara appeared, and another. "We should get going.. More capybaras are showing up." Mya said, getting up from my tight grip. I sniffle, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Yeah. Let's get going." I say, as we walk down the street past the burning buildings, smoke and crashed cars.


Karis's Pov:

Somehow I'm here w/ Kennon.. We're just sitting in his apartment, nervous.. Terrified and scared. Apparently I blacked out at his doorstep 4 hours ago according to kennon.. But the weird thing is that I don't even remember running to his apartment.. I'm not that stupid to do something like that. But now he's offering to play cards with me, which I reluctantly agreed on. For 15 minutes it's just silence and random questions related to the game and sometimes our feelings on this whole capybara crisis, apocalypse, attack, whatever you want to call it. Which I really don't want to talk about.. But I don't want to say that to his face.. Knowing him he'd get so offended that he'd probably punt me out the door and let me be the capybara's meal. Why did all of our families leave us behind and into that military truck without a second thought? Was it the same for mya and julian as well? I jump, hearing a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Kennon said, getting up from the loveseat he was sitting across from me. He opened it, and stared. "Who is it?" I ask, but Kennon only puts up a finger in my direction, still not looking at me. "Hello?" Kennon said.

To be continued

Word count: 832

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