Khumbani pulled away slightly. “What happened exactly?” He asked, resting on his elbows.

Warrick looked at Sean. “Go watch some TV. I have things to discuss with the King.” Sean nodded, his head low and went to the TV.

“So when Devon and I found out that the petcare house was raided, we immediately came back. I didn't admit it to anyone, but I was concerned about Sean. He wasn't near the house when they did kidnap the pets…”

Khumbani sat up straight when Warrick positioned himself next to him. “Devon immediately investigated everything and I was with him when he found a clue. We followed the lead and low and behold, we found a secret entrance deep in the forest and we found Dan there.”

“Who took the pets?”

“That's the thing, the leader is Dan's uncle. He was looking for Dan for quite awhile and when Dan was exposed to…he is the Alpha King mentioned in those stories.”

“The tales of legends and myth are true? Where are they now?”

“Deeper in the woods, busy training Dan.”

“Dan's family? They're werewolves?” Khumbani asked. Warrick nodded. “They kidnapped the pets? Did they slaughter and eat them?”

“WHOA, there! No! In fact, I think you'll like them. They kidnap humans and give them new homes and teach them to cook, to draw, to sing. They teach them to be human.” Khumbani's eyes widen.

“This is a lot…why are you bruised then?”

“Part of a cover up. Devon dragged me trough every possible nasty thing in the woods and this other dickwad, punched me in my stomach and head, but I quickly put him in his place.” Warrick explained.
“So in short, everything is okay. I came back to figure out who is harming my family, because we do have a mole in the castle.”

“Sho…this is a lot.” Khumbani looked at the floor, and then at Warrick. “But, at least you are safe and Devon isn't in any harm.”

“Yeah. He said he'd be back in time for his coronation. I don't know exactly what Devon is planning afterwards.”

Khumbani sighed. “Well, he is very clever. I'm sure he will find something.” Khumbani smiled, much more relaxed than before.


“I should've dragged you through a skunk corpse.” Warrick paled when he listened to Devon's message. Khumbani stared at the phone, but started to laugh out loud.

“Spoken like a true brother! He really cares for you.”

“That's what you got out of that message?” Warrick said sarcastically.

Warrick looked at the phone and just locked it, throwing it to the side. He was on Khumbani's lap, pushing him into the bed. Khumbani stared at Warrick's blue eyes.

“When are you leaving?” Warrick asked, a suspicious brow raised. “I would like it if you stayed a bit, but of course you didn't hear me say it out loud.”

Khumbani smiled, holding onto Warrick's thigh. “You have me for a few days, before I have to return home.”

Warrick smirked and teasingly leaned down, kissing Khumbani again.


Devon smiled victoriously when Warrick didn't reply. “Did you really just say, you wanted to drag him through a corpse of a skunk?”

Devon turned to Dan who just gotten in the bath, waiting for Devon to join him. “Brotherly love.” Devon merely shrugged, getting undressed.

He got in the warm water with Dan, wrapping his arms around Dan. “I must say, though. You've grown quite a lot these past few months.”

“I feel different. It's…strange.” Dan said as Devon turned his back to Dan, situating himself between Dan's legs.

“What do you when you transform into the giant crow?”

“I just do it. I don't really think about it.” Devon went quiet. “But, I did in vision myself as a crow when I figured out I could do it. The pictures I made in my mind, helped me to transform.”

Dan hummed in thought. Devon glanced at him over his shoulder. “Try it tomorrow. Maybe it'll help.”

Dan looked into Devon's eyes. “I'll try.” He smiled.

“Good. Right now, though.” Devon twisted his body, making Dan sink into the water a bit. “I think it's time we have a bit of fun.”

Before Dan could say anything, Devon had already kissed Dan with a lot of passion. Dan felt warmth rising in his chest. Dan gasped and moaned in between the sloppy kisses, holding onto Devon.

Neither of them stopped the kiss. When they felt the water going cold, they just got out and went into the bedroom with the towels.

Getting dressed in just shorts, they continued the kiss with Devon towering over Dan.

Dan's moans slowly turned into growls, which made them both stop. “I growled?”

“You did…” Devon said. “Oddly enough, I like it.”

It seemed to please Dan. Smashing their lips together again, Devon's hands ran down softly against Dan's skin.

To be continued, if you know what I mean…

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